HCL Z and I Emulator for Transformation (ENGLISH)
  HCL Z and I Emulator for Transformation (ENGLISH)
  Release Notes
      Readme Version 2.0
      Readme Version 1.0
    More information
      System Requirements
      Known Issues
  Product Documentation
      Configuring HCL Z and I Emulator for Transformation with Flexera
      Flexera Licensing integration for ZIETrans Projects
        Secure License Server Configuration
        Enable Runtime Licensing in ZIETrans
          Flexera Runtime properties file parameters:
        License terms and troubleshooting
        How does licensing work in ZIETrans?
    Getting Started
      Introducing Z and I Emulator for Transformation
        What is ZIETrans?
        A ZIETrans 3270 example
        A ZIETrans 5250 example
        Roles and skills
          Casual Web developer
          Advanced Web developer
          ZIETrans administrator
          WebSphere administrator
          Independent software vendors
          Accessibility when using ZIETrans
            Keyboard shortcuts
        Where can I find information about ZIETrans?
      Installing ZIETrans
        Installing ZIETrans Toolkit
        Updating the ZIETrans Toolkit installation
        Uninstalling ZIETrans Toolkit
        Checking the current version
        Troubleshooting Installation issues using Log files
      Flexera Licensing integration for ZIETrans Projects
        Secure License Server Configuration
        Enable Runtime Licensing in ZIETrans
          Flexera Runtime properties file parameters:
        License terms and troubleshooting
        How does licensing work in ZIETrans?
      Creating a basic ZIETrans project
        Introducing the Eclipse environment
        Starting ZIETrans Toolkit and perspective
        Introducing the ZIETrans Welcome page
        Starting ZIETrans functions
          Using ZIETrans icons
          ZIETrans tips
        Developing a ZIETrans project
          Creating a ZIETrans project
          Testing your project
            Testing modes for Web projects
            Testing your Web project
            Testing modes for rich client projects
            Testing your rich client project
            While testing your project
      Customizing your ZIETrans project
        Understanding how a ZIETrans application works
          Understanding ZIETrans resources
        Using the host terminal screen as you work
          Host screen preview
          Working with screen captures
        Updating your project's template
        Editing default rendering
        Creating global rules
        Working with screen events
          Creating a new screen customization
          Creating a new screen combination
          Ordering and enabling your screen events
        Working with transformations
          Understanding host components and widgets
          How ZIETrans uses transformations
          Creating a new transformation
            Editing a transformation
        Performing other customization tasks
          Auto advance
          Displaying function keys (PF keys)
          Replacing text strings from the host screen
          Using macros
          Creating background connections
          Defining global variables
          Applying business logic
          Using keyboard support
          Creating Integration Objects and EJB projects
          Specifying a workstation ID
          Using print support
          Subfile support
          Using Extended Field Attributes
          Enabling Enhanced Non-Programmable Terminal User Interface (ENPTUI)
          5250 HTML DDS keyword support (Web-only)
      Preparing your ZIETrans project for use as an application
        Deploying ZIETrans Web applications
          Exporting your project as an application
          Installing your application in a runtime environment
        Deploying ZIETrans rich client applications
          Exporting your project as an Eclipse feature
          Exporting ZIETrans runtime features
          Creating an update site
          Installing your application in a runtime environment
            Eclipse RCP
        Programming interface information
    User's and Administrator's Guide
      Using Z and I Emulator for Transformation (ZIETrans)
        Understanding ZIETrans key concepts and objects
        Understanding ZIETrans application processing
        Understanding ZIETrans application development
        How do I know what version of ZIETrans I have?
        Gathering problem determination information
        Where can I find information about ZIETrans?
      Developing and deploying ZIETrans Web applications
        Organizing ZIETrans Web applications
          Moving ZIETrans Web projects to a different .ear file
        Backing up your ZIETrans projects
        Exporting and importing ZIETrans Web projects
          Exporting a Web project
            Archive file
          Importing a Web project
        Deploying ZIETrans Web applications
          Enabling the ZIETrans runtime
          Exporting your project as a Java EE application
          Installing your application in a runtime environment
          Changes necessary in the runtime environment
            Configuring class loader policy
            Configuring ZIETrans applications in a clustered environment
            Configuring ZIETrans applications to use a proxy server
        Developing ZIETrans applications for Oracle WebLogic Server
          Installing and configuring for WebLogic servers
          Considerations and limitations for WebLogic servers
        Developing ZIETrans applications for Web Sphere Application Server Liberty Porfile
          Considerations and limitations for WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile
        Developing ZIETrans applications for the JBoss EAP Server
          Installing and configuring JBoss EAP
          Considerations and limitations for JBoss servers
        Developing ZIETrans applications for mobile devices
          Considerations and limitations for mobile devices
          Considerations and limitations for iPad devices
          Considerations and limitations for Android devices
      Developing and deploying ZIETrans rich client applications
        Developing ZIETrans rich client applications
        Target platform specifics
          Project contents
          Setting the compiler compliance level
        ZIETrans RCP Runtime Extension project
        Working with ZIETrans rich client projects
          Copying resources between Web and rich client projects
          Exporting and importing ZIETrans rich client projects
        Testing ZIETrans rich client applications
          Setting the default JRE
            Eclipse RCP
          Launching your project
            Eclipse RCP
        Deploying ZIETrans rich client applications
          Packaging an Eclipse client environment for distribution
          Packaging for existing Eclipse clients (Eclipse RCP)
            Exporting your project as an Eclipse feature
            Exporting ZIETrans runtime features
            Creating an update site
            Installing your application in a runtime environment
              Eclipse RCP
              Automatic update process
          Updating plug-in and feature version numbers
        Administering ZIETrans rich client applications
        Runtime environment
          Applications view
            Pop-up menu
            Print screen support
          Transformation view
            Template and transformation area
            Host keypad
            OIA status area
            Closing the view
          Workstation ID prompting
          LU name prompting
            Print preferences
            Troubleshooting preferences
        ZIETrans rich client considerations and limitations
      Modifying a ZIETrans project
          Default rendering
            Multiple rendering set example
            Advanced rendering
              Alternate rendering
              HTML tables
            How to make default rendering customizations available in new ZIETrans projects
          Global rules
          Text replacement
          Components and widgets
          Toolbar (RCP-only)
          Application keypad
          Host keypad
          Operator information area
          Screen event priority
          Application events
          Keyboard support
          Client locale
          Connection parameter overrides
            Selecting the type of connection to use when overriding parameters
            The disconnectOnClose parameter
          Asynchronous Update (RCP-only)
          Automatic Disconnect and Refresh (Web-only)
            Using the client pull (AJAX) method
              Client pull (AJAX) settings
            Using the server push (applet) method
              Server push (applet) settings
          Global variable overrides
          Client settings
          Macro Content Assistance
        Using ZIETrans preferences
        Use of other Eclipse preferences
      Managing connections
        Creating a connection
        Connection editor
            Print settings for 3270E connections
            Print settings for 5250 and 5250W connections
          Screen Handling
          User List
            Clustering and user lists
      Working with screen events
        Create a Screen Customization wizard
        Create a Screen Combination wizard
        Editing screen events
          Screen Recognition Criteria or Begin Screen
            Associated screen capture
            Fields criteria
            Cursor position criteria
            Optional versus non-optional screen recognition criteria
            Inverted match of screen recognition criteria
            Additional criteria
              String criterion
              Global variable criterion
              Color criterion
              Compare region to value criterion
              Compare region to region criterion
              Condition criterion
              Custom criterion
          Rendering (screen combination only)
          Navigation (screen combination only)
          End Screen (screen combination only)
            Select ending criteria
            Number of iterations
            Associated screen capture
            Screen descriptor settings
            Apply transformation action
            Execute business logic action
            Extract global variable action
            Insert data action
            Set global variable action
            Remove global variable action
            Show URL or SWT composite action (RCP-only)
            Show URL action (Web-only)
            Forward to URL action (Web-only)
            Play macro
            Perform macro transaction
            Send key
          Global Rules
          Text Replacement
          Next Screen
        Inhibited screens
          Recognition criteria
          Automated handling of inhibited screens
          Handling multiple inhibited screens
        Importing BMS map sets
      Working with transformations
        Create a Transformation wizard
        Editing transformations
          Editing transformations for Web projects
          Editing transformations for rich client projects
            Palette view
            Properties view
            Hints and tips
        Transformation wizards
          Insert Host Component
          Edit Host Component (Web-only)
          Insert Default Rendering
          Edit Default Rendering (Web-only)
          Insert Tabbed Folder (Web-only)
          Insert Macro Key
          Insert Global Variable
          Insert Operator Information Area (Web-only)
          Insert Host Keypad
            Default Keypad (Web-only)
            Custom Keypad (Web-only)
            Individual Key
          Insert Application Keypad
            Default Keypad (Web-only)
            Custom Keypad (Web-only)
            Individual Key
          Insert All Host Components (Web-only)
          Insert Stored Screen (Web-only)
        Previewing transformations
        Host keypad
      Component and widget descriptions and settings
        Component and widget settings
        Host component settings
          Command line
            Scrollbar field (ENPTUI)
            Selection field (ENPTUI)
          Function key
          HTML DDS keyword (Web-only)
          Input field
          Input field with hints
          Item selection
          Light pen (attention)
          Light pen (selection)
          Selection list
          Table (field)
          Table (visual)
        Widget settings
          Button table
          Calendar (Web-only)
          Check box
          Combo (RCP-only)
          Drop-down (data entry)
          Drop-down (selection)
          Graph (horizontal bar, line, vertical bar)
          Link (item selection)
          Radio button (data entry)
          Radio button (item selection)
          Radio button (selection)
          Scrollbar (ENPTUI)
          Subfile (check box)
          Subfile (drop-down)
          Subfile (popup)
          Text input
          Toolbar (RCP-only)
        Component and widget mapping
      Using templates
        Template examples
        Create a Template wizard
        Editing templates
          Editing templates for Web projects
              Using style sheets
                Modifying style sheets
                Determining which styles to edit
              ZIETrans style sheets
              Design tab considerations and limitations
            Making customized templates, style sheets, and images available
          Editing templates for rich client projects
        Application keypad
      Macros and host terminal
        Macro Editor
            Open Host Terminal
              Host Terminal
                Macro related icons
              Host Screen Preview
            Advanced Editor
          Prompts and Extracts
        Working with macro errors
        Importing a macro
        Exporting a macro
        Macro hints and tips
          Preventing an infinite loop
          Handling transient screens
      Interacting with global variables
        Renaming global variables
        Differences between global variables and macro variables
          Global variables
          Macro variables
      Using Integration Objects
        Creating an Integration Object
        Integration Object chaining
          Deciding when to use Integration Object chaining
          Using Integration Object chaining
          Debugging applications that use Integration Object chaining
        Building Web pages from an Integration Object
          Create Model 1 Web pages
          Create Struts Web pages
          Create JSF Web pages
        BasicIOErrorPage.jsp and AdvancedIOErrorPage.jsp
        Working with Integration Objects on JSPs
          Insert Integration Object Properties
          Insert Forward to ZIETrans Application
      Combining screens
        Combining contiguous output data
        Combining noncontiguous output data
        Combining output from multiple applications
        Combining input for multiple screens
      Enabling print support
        Configuring the host print session on 3270 hosts
        Defining print support for your project
          For 3270E connections
            Using the Host On-Demand PDT compiler
          For 5250 connections
        Providing documentation for users
      Enabling keyboard support
        Defining keyboard support
        Changing the appearance of the keypads
        Providing documentation for users
          Special 5250 field key support
            Default field keypress combinations
            Quick Field Exit
            Quick Field Minus
            Alternate way to input negative numbers
            Field Exit Emulation
        Remapping the keyboard in a ZIETrans application
          Concepts to understand before remapping ZIETrans keys
            Mnemonic keywords
            Determining keycode values
          Remapping keys for ZIETrans Web applications
          Remapping keys for ZIETrans rich client applications
            Determining which strategy ZIETrans is using
          Adding additional keypad buttons to a transformation
      Using host simulation
        Host simulation wizard
        Host simulation editor
          Overview tab
            General Information section
            Playback Settings section
          Source tab
        Recording in the runtime environment
        Playback options
        Importing and exporting trace files
      Using ZIETrans administrative console
        ZIETrans administrative console and WebSphere security
        ZIETrans administrative console roles
        Starting ZIETrans administrative console
          Starting the administrative console while in ZIETrans Toolkit
        Using the functions in ZIETrans administrative console
          Selecting management scope
          Managing licenses
          Monitoring connections
          Monitoring connection pools
          Monitoring pool definitions
          Monitoring user lists and user list members
          Administering problem determination components
            Log and trace file names
            View Log
            Set Log Options
            Set Trace Options
        Display terminal functions
          Using display terminal for testing and debugging
      Security and Web Express Logon
        Enabling SSL security
        Enabling SSH security
        Using Web Express Logon (WEL)
          Planning for implementation
          How to create a WEL logon macro
          Network Security plug-in
          Credential Mapper plug-ins
            Credential Mapper selection
          Initialization parameters
            DCAS parameters for DCAS/RACF/JDBC Credential Mapper plug-in
            DCAS parameters for Certificate-based DCAS/RACF Credential Mapper plug-in
            Vault parameters for JDBC Vault Credential Mapper plug-in
          Create SSL keystore file (DCAS only)
        Java 2 security
          Policy file
      Language support
        Code pages
        Encoding settings
        5250 Unicode support
        Using accented characters for code page 937
        Using code page 1388 (GB18030)
        Host code mapping for code pages 1390 and 1399
          JIS2004 support
            JIS2004 support considerations and limitations
            JIS2004 support for PDT printing and Print-to-File for 3270E sessions
            Disabling JIS2004 support for code pages 1390 and 1399
        Remapping keyboard and display characters
          Priority of character replacement
      Double-byte character set support
        DBCS and SBCS field support
        Data type checking
        Field length checking
        Copy-and-paste prevention
        Input Method Editor (IME)
        AutoIME switching
        Shift Out/Shift In considerations
        Other considerations
          Project theme settings
            DBCS eliminate maximum length
          Project settings editor
            Rendering tab
            Other tab
              Enable automatic field advance
              Overwrite mode (initial)
              Select all text on focus
          Screen event editor
            Screen recognition criteria / Begin screen
          Host components
            Selection list
            SBCS eliminate maximum length
          Macro support
            Recording a macro
            Exporting a macro
          Creating an Integration Object
          Working with mobile device applications
          Remapping keyboard and display characters
          Working with user-defined characters
            Display support
            Print support
            Printing UDCs in Adobe PDF mode
            Printing UDCs in PDT mode
      Runtime properties files
        Tracing options
        Host On-Demand tracing
        Host simulation tracing
      ZIETrans screen-settling reference
        Screen-settling overview
        Screen-settling procedure
        Analyzing outbound data
        Waiting for OIA flags
        Changing customization settings
        Determining which strategy ZIETrans is using
        Contention resolution (TN3270E only)
          Contention resolution using z/OS Communications Server
          Contention resolution using other Communications Servers
          Performance impact of using contention resolution
          Determining contention resolution status
        Automatic refresh
        Transient screen handling
        Initial blank screen handling settings
        Related ZIETrans settings
        Tuning ZIETrans screen-settling
          Contention resolution information
          Advanced Macro Guide
        Programming interface information
    Web Application Programmer's Guide
        Code examples
        Using the API documentation (Javadoc)
      Adding business logic
        Incorporating Java code from other applications
        Using global variables in business logic
        Business logic examples
          Example: Date conversion
          Example: Adding values that are contained in an indexed global variable
          Example: Reading a list of strings from a file into an indexed global variable
          Example: Calling an Integration Object
        Using custom screen recognition
          Example of custom screen recognition
          Custom screen recognition using global variables
        Accessing javax.servlet classes
      Creating custom components and widgets
        ZIETrans component tag and attributes
        Creating a custom host component
        Extending component classes
        Creating a custom HTML widget
          Extending widget classes
          Widgets and global rules
        Registering your component or widget
        ZIETrans Toolkit support for custom component and widget settings
      Programming with Integration Objects
        A common class for accessing Integration Object information
        Java class hierarchy of Integration Objects
        Integration Object methods
          Common methods
          Host Access Integration Object methods
          Database Access Integration Object methods
        Specifying Connection Overrides
        Integration Object chaining
        Applying XML style sheet processing to Integration Object output
          DTD of XML data that is returned by getHPubXMLProperties() method
            XML data using the getHPubXMLProperties() method
          DTD of XML data that is returned by getHPubXMLProperties (HPubConvertToTableFormat.xsl) method
            XML data with HPubConvertToTableFormat style sheet applied
      Developing Web services
        Creating traditional (WSDL-based) Web services
          Creating a Bottom-up Web service from Integration Objects
          Testing your Web service with Web Services Explorer
          Creating a Web service client
          Creating a Top-down Web service that includes Integration Objects
          Programming with Web Services Integration Objects
            Integration Object chaining with Web Services
            EJB Access Bean chaining with Web Services
            Special considerations with chaining Web Services
          Updating Web services
          Web services for JAX-WS runtime considerations and limitations
        Creating RESTful Web services
          Creating RESTful service JAX-RS resources
          Updating RESTful service JAX-RS resources
          Customizing RESTful service JAX-RS resource methods
          Handling content
            Content type examples
          Customizing the response header
          HTTP status codes
          JAX-RS RESTful services considerations and limitations
      Creating and using a ZIETrans EJB application
        Creating a ZIETrans EJB project
          Storing a ZIETrans EJB project in a repository
          Creating EJB Access Beans automatically
        Programming with EJB Access Beans
          Using EJB Access Bean methods
            EJB Access Bean chaining
              EJB Access Bean chaining in a Web container
              EJB Access Bean chaining outside a Web container
          Using EJB Access Beans with Java application clients
            Running your application client
            Running EJB application clients in a clustered environment
      Integration Objects - advanced topics
        Customizing Integration Object Java code
        Choosing Integration Object templates
          Choosing Integration Object templates for a bidirectional project
        Modifying Java coding templates
          Sample modified Integration Object template
            Extracting data from non-text planes
        Using Integration Objects in a WebSphere Java EE application
          Using an Integration Object in a Web container (custom servlet or JSP)
          Using an Integration Object in an EJB container (from your own EJB)
        Connection management API
      Creating plug-ins for Web Express Logon
        Creating custom plug-ins for Web Express Logon
          Web Express Logon plug-in interface
          Writing a Network Security plug-in
          Writing a Credential Mapper plug-in
          Sample Web Express Logon plug-in
          Encrypting and decrypting plug-in parameter strings
          The DCAS API object
      Using the ZIETrans bidirectional API
        Data Conversion APIs
        Global Variable APIs
        BIDI OrderBean
        BIDI OrderBean methods
      ZIETrans Toolkit files
        Application file (.hap)
          <application> tag
          <connections> tag
          <connection> tag
          <eventPriority> tag
          <event> tag
          <classSettings> tag
          <class> tag
          <setting> tag
          <textReplacement> tag
          <replace> tag
          <defaultRendering> tag
          <renderingSet> tag
          <renderingItem> tag
          <globalRules> tag
          <rule> tag
        Connection files (.hco)
          <hodconnection> tag
          <otherParameters> tag
          <classSettings> tag
          <class> tag
          <setting> tag
          <poolsettings> tag
          <webexpresslogon> tag
          <userconfig> tag
        Template and transformation files (.jsp)
        Screen combination files (.evnt)
          <combinations> tag
          <enddescription> tag
          <navigation> tag
          <screenUp> tag
          <screenDown> tag
          <keyPress> tag
          <setCursor> tag
        Screen customization files (.evnt)
          <event> tag
          <actions> tag
          <apply> tag
          <insert> tag
          <extract> tag
          <set> tag
          <execute> tag
          <show> tag
          <forwardtoURL> tag
          <disconnect> tag
          <play> tag
          <perform> tag
          <pause> tag
          <sendkey> tag
          <globalRules> tag
          <rule> tag
          <associatedScreens> tag
          <screen> tag
          <description> tag
          <oia> tag
          <string> tag
          <nextEvents> tag
          <event> tag
          <remove> tag
        Macro files (.hma)
          <macro> tag
          <associatedConnections> tag
          <connection> tag
          <extracts> tag
          <extract> tag
          <prompts> tag
          <prompt> tag
          <HAScript> tag
        Screen capture files (.hsc)
        BMS Map files (.bms and .bmc)
        Image files (.gif, .jpg, or .png)
        Stylesheet files (.css)
        Spreadsheet files (.csv or .xls)
        Host simulation trace files (.hhs)
        Web Express Logon configuration file (zietranswelcfg.xml)
          <credentialmapper> tag
          <networksecurity> tag
          <cmplugins> tag
          <plugin> tag
          <param> tag
      Sample Web Express Logon plug-in
      Sample modified Integration Object template
        Programming interface information
    Rich Client Platform Programmer's Guide
        Code examples
        Using the API documentation (Javadoc)
      Plug-ins and application classes
        Plug-in project extension points
          Allowing only one instance of an application
        ZIETrans runtime extension plug-in
        Application classes
            Controlling the size of the workbench window
            Showing the perspective bar
            Customizing the workbench window toolbar
      Perspectives and views
        The Host Access perspective
        Applications view
          Programmatically starting an instance of an application
        Transformation view
          Extending the transformation view's menu
        Editing transformations
        ZIETrans-specific controls
          The ComponentRendering class
          The DefaultRendering class
          The MacroKey class
          The GlobalVariableControl class
          The HostKey class
          The ApplicationKey class
        Transformation classes
          Sending a key from a button
          Updating an input field after the user selects a SWT List widget item
          Setting the value of a global variable from a transformation
          Setting and retrieving global variable values
          Validating input on a transformation
          Customizing the host keypad
          Customizing the application keypad
          Overriding the default monospaced font
          Integrating other user interface widgets
            Binding a SWT Slider widget to a host input field
        Editing templates
          Customizing host color mappings
          Removing borders from input fields
      Runtime services
        Accessing the service manager
        Using the runtime service
        Using the application service
        Using the client service
        Using the session service
        Integration with other Eclipse UI views
          An incoming communication scenario
          Sample class and methods showing how to access the different runtime services
          Listening for 3270 Print Jobs
          Creating a custom composite for use with the Show action
      Adding business logic
        Incorporating Java code from other applications
        Using global variables in business logic
        Business logic examples
          Example: Date conversion
          Example: Adding values that are contained in an indexed global variable
          Example: Reading a list of strings from a file into an indexed global variable
        Using custom screen recognition
          Example of custom screen recognition
          Custom screen recognition using global variables
      Creating custom components and widgets
        Components and widgets properties for RCP applications
        Creating a custom host component
        Extending component classes
        Creating a custom widget
          Extending widget classes
          Widgets and global rules
        Registering your component or widget
        ZIETrans Toolkit support for custom component and widget settings
      Using the ZIETrans bidirectional API
        Data Conversion APIs
        Global Variable APIs
        BIDI OrderBean
        BIDI OrderBean methods
      ZIETrans Toolkit files
        Application file (.hap)
          <application> tag
          <connections> tag
          <connection> tag
          <eventPriority> tag
          <event> tag
          <classSettings> tag
          <class> tag
          <setting> tag
          <textReplacement> tag
          <replace> tag
          <defaultRendering> tag
          <renderingSet> tag
          <renderingItem> tag
          <globalRules> tag
          <rule> tag
        Connection files (.hco)
          <hodconnection> tag
          <otherParameters> tag
          <classSettings> tag
          <class> tag
          <setting> tag
          <poolsettings> tag
          <userconfig> tag
        Screen combination files (.evnt)
          <combinations> tag
          <enddescription> tag
          <navigation> tag
          <screenUp> tag
          <screenDown> tag
          <keyPress> tag
          <setCursor> tag
        Screen customization files (.evnt)
          <event> tag
          <actions> tag
          <apply> tag
          <insert> tag
          <extract> tag
          <set> tag
          <execute> tag
          <show> tag
          <forwardtoURL> tag
          <disconnect> tag
          <play> tag
          <perform> tag
          <pause> tag
          <sendkey> tag
          <globalRules> tag
          <rule> tag
          <associatedScreens> tag
          <screen> tag
          <description> tag
          <oia> tag
          <string> tag
          <nextEvents> tag
          <event> tag
          <remove> tag
        Macro files (.hma)
          <macro> tag
          <associatedConnections> tag
          <connection> tag
          <extracts> tag
          <extract> tag
          <prompts> tag
          <prompt> tag
          <HAScript> tag
        Screen capture files (.hsc)
        BMS Map files (.bms and .bmc)
        Image files (.gif, .jpg, or .png)
        Spreadsheet files (.csv or .xls)
        Host simulation trace files (.hhs)
        Programming interface information
    Messages Guide
    Advanced Macro Guide
      Developing macros
        Introducing advanced macros
          Adapting Host On-Demand macros for use in ZIETrans
          Working with macros in HCL ZIETrans
          Definitions of terms
        Macro structure
          Macro script
            XML elements
            Conceptual view of a macro script
          The macro screen and its subcomponents
            Application screen
            Macro screen
            Conceptual view of a macro screen
        Data types, operators, and expressions
          Basic and advanced macro format
            Representation of strings and non-alphanumeric characters
              Basic macro format rules
              Advanced macro format rules
            Converting your macro to a different format
              Converting your basic format macro to the advanced format
              Converting your advanced format macro to the basic format
          Standard data types
            Boolean data
              Boolean values are not strings
              Integer constants
          The value null
          Arithmetic operators and expressions
            Using arithmetic expressions
          String concatenation operator (+)
          Conditional and logical operators and expressions
          Automatic data type conversion
            Effect of context
            Conversion to boolean
            Conversion to integer
            Conversion to double
            Conversion to string
            Conversion errors
          Significance of a negative value for a row or column
        How the macro runtime processes a macro screen
          Overview of macro runtime processing
            Scenario used as an example
            Stages in processing a macro screen
            Stage 1
            Overview of all 3 stages of the entire process
          Stage 1: Determining the next macro screen to be processed
            Step 1(a): Adding macro screen names to the list of valid next screens
              Valid next screens
              How the macro runtime selects the names of candidate macro screens
                First macro screen
                Subsequent macro screens
                Transient screens
            Step 1(b): Screen recognition
              Overview of evaluation
              Repeated screen evaluations
              Determining whether a macro screen matches the application screen
              Defining when to terminate recognition
                Timeout setting for screen recognition
                Recognition limit
            Step 1(c): Removing the names of candidate macro screens from the list of valid next screens
          Stage 2: Making the successful candidate the new current macro screen
          Stage 3: Performing the actions in the new current macro screen
            Inserting a delay after an action
          Repeating the processing cycle
          Terminating the macro
        Screen description
          Definition of terms
          Recorded descriptions
            Why the recorded descriptions work
            Recorded descriptors provide a framework
          Evaluation of descriptors
            Overview of the process
            Evaluation of individual descriptors
            Default combining method
              When to use the default combining method
              Invertmatch attribute
              Optional attribute
              Default combining rule
            The uselogic attribute
          The descriptors
            OIA descriptor (<oia> element)
            Number of Fields descriptor (<numfields> element)
            Number of Input Fields descriptor (<numinputfields> element)
            String descriptor (<string> element)
              Specifying the rectangular area
              How the macro runtime searches the rectangular area (Wrap attribute)
                Using an extracted string in a String descriptor
              Multiple String descriptors in the same <description> element
            Cursor descriptor (<cursor> element)
            Attribute descriptor (<attrib> element)
            Condition descriptor (<condition> element)
            Custom descriptor (<customreco> element)
          Variable update action (<varupdate> element)
            Processing a Variable update action in a description
            Variable update with the uselogic attribute
        Screen recognition
          Recognizing valid next screens
          Entry screens, exit screens, and transient screens
            Entry screens
              Macro with several entry screens
              Entry screen as a normal screen
            Exit screens
            Transient screens
              Example of handling of transient screen
          Timeout settings for screen recognition
            Screen recognition
            Timeout attribute on the <HAScript> element
            Timeout attribute on the <nextscreens> element
          Recognition limit
            Determining when the recognition limit is reached
            Action when the Recognition limit is reached
        Macro actions
          Actions by function
          How actions are performed
            The runtime context
            The macro screen context
            Specifying parameters for actions
          The actions
            Comm wait action (<commwait> element)
              How the action works
              Specify a communication status that is persistent
            Conditional action (<if> element and <else> element)
              Conditional action not allowed within a Conditional action
            Extract action (<extract> element)
              Treatment of nulls and other characters that do not display
              Capturing a rectangular area of the host terminal
              Capturing a sequence of text from the host terminal
              Unwrap attribute
                When unwrap is true and continuous is false
                When unwrap is true and continuous is true
            Input action (<input> element)
              Location at which typing begins
              Input errors
              Translate host action keys (xlatehostkeys attribute)
              Move cursor to end of input (movecursor attribute)
              Encrypted attribute
                Automatic encryption during macro recording
                Using the Encrypt string (VME) or Password (AME) check box
                Using the source view
                Encrypting a variable name
            Mouse click action (<mouseclick> element)
            Pause action (<pause> element)
            Perform action (<perform> element)
            PlayMacro action (<playmacro> element)
              Adding a PlayMacro action
              Using target macros with prompts
              Transferring variables
                Requirements for transferring variables
                Additional information
                When the target macro needs to import a type
            Prompt action (<prompt> element)
              The promptall attributes
            SQLQuery action (<sqlquery> element)
            Trace action (<trace> element)
            Variable update action (<varupdate> element)
              Variable update action with a field variable
                Reading part of a field
        Timing issues
          Macro timing and delay characteristics
            What each element and attribute is for
            How the HCL ZIETrans macro processing engine uses these timing elements and attributes
            What happens after a screen's actions have completed
            High-level, textual flow of macro engine processing
          Pause after an action
            Speed of processing actions
            The pausetime attribute
            The pause attribute
            Adding a pause after a particular action
          Screen completion
            Recognizing the next macro screen too soon
              The cause: Unenhanced TN3270 protocol
              Solutions to early macro screen recognition
                Add more descriptors
                Insert a delay after the input action
                Use the contention-resolution feature of TN3270E
            Attributes that deal with screen completion
        Variables and imported Java classes
          HCL ZIETrans variables
            Global variables
            Macro variables
          Introduction to macro variables and imported types
            Advanced macro format required
            Scope of variables
            Creating a variable
            Creating an imported type for a Java class
          Common issues
            Deploying Java libraries or classes
            Variable names and type names
            Transferring variables from one macro to another
            Field variables
          Using variables
            Using variables belonging to a standard type
              Using the value that the variable holds
              Writing a value into a variable belonging to a standard type
                Writing a Java object into a variable of standard type
            Using variables belonging to an imported type
              Using the value that the variable holds
              Writing into the variable belonging to an imported type
            Comparing variables of the same imported type
          Calling Java methods
            Where method calls can be used
            Syntax of a method call
            How the macro runtime searches for a called method
          The Macro Utility Libraries (HML libraries)
            Invoking a method belonging to an HML library
            Variable names beginning with HML are reserved
              Converting numbers to and from the format of the current locale
              Method details
              Presentation space
              Method details
              Method details
              Format of the stored data
              Method details
            FormatNumberToString() and FormatStringToNumber()
        Visual Macro Editor
          Creating a new macro
          Using the editor
            Design tab
              Macro menu
              Screen menu
              Action menu
              Next screen connection menu
            Palette view
            Integrated terminal
            Source tab
          Working with macros
            Editing macro properties
              General tab
              Variables and Types tab
            Playing the macro
          Working with screens
            Editing macro screen properties
              General tab
              Screen Recognition tab
              Actions tab
            Adding macro screens
              Adding a screen by dragging a screen capture
              Adding a screen from the integrated terminal
              Adding a screen from the palette
            Associating a macro screen with a screen capture
            Screen preview
            Default screen recognition criteria
            Cut, delete, copy, and paste screens
          Working with actions
            Adding and editing actions
              Adding and editing actions from the macro screen properties
              Adding an action to a screen from the palette
            Hiding and showing actions
            Custom action
            Evaluate (If) action
            Extract action
            Extract All action
            Input action
            Pause action
            Perform action
            Play macro action
            Prompt action
            Prompt All action
            Set cursor position action
            Trace action
              Trace specification
            Update macro variable action
          Working with next screen connections
            Adding a next screen connection from the palette
            Reordering and changing next screen connections
          Working with VME preferences
        Advanced Macro Editor
          Using the editor
            Macro tab
            Screens tab
              Description tab
                Creating a new descriptor
                Field Counts and OIA descriptor
                How three separate and independent descriptors are presented as one
                Wait for OIA to Become Uninhibited descriptor
                Counting fields in the host terminal during macro development
                Treatment during screen recognition
                The '*' string in a new String descriptor
              Actions tab
                Creating a new action
            Links tab
            Variables tab
              Creating a new variable
              Creating an imported type for a Java class
          Working with actions
            Comm wait action
              Communication states
            Conditional action
              Specifying the condition
              Condition is True (<if> element)
              Condition is False (<else> element)
            Extract action
              Capturing text
                Set the Continuous Extract option
                Specify the area of the host terminal
                Specify an extraction name
                Specify TEXT_PLANE as the data plane
                Specify the variable in which you want the text to be stored
            Input action
              Input string
            Mouse click action
              Specifying row and column
            Pause action
            Perform action
              Invoking the method
            Playmacro action
              Target macro file name and starting screen
            Prompt action
              Displaying the prompt window
                Parts of the prompt window
                Default Response
                Password Response
                Require Response
              Processing the contents of the input field
                Response Length
                Action keys and Translate Host Action Keys
              Handling the input sequence in the host terminal
              Assigning the input sequence to a variable
            SQLQuery action
              The statement and results section
              Using the SQL Wizard
              Using the fields in the statement section
                Database URL
                Driver Identifier and Driver Class
                User ID and Password
              Using the result section
                Storing the data into a macro variable ($HMLSQLUtil$)
              Using the SQLQuery action with bidirectional languages
            Trace action
              Trace specification
            Variable update action
      The Host On-Demand macro language
        Macro language features
          Syntax and editing
            XML syntax in the Host On-Demand macro language
            Source view editing
          Hierarchy of the elements
          Inserting comments into a macro script
            Comment errors
            Examples of comments
          Debugging macro scripts with the <trace> element
        Macro language elements
          Specifying the attributes
            XML requirements
            Advanced format in attribute values
            Typed data
          <actions> element
            XML samples
          <attrib> element
            XML samples
          <comment> element
            XML samples
            Alternate method for inserting comments
          <commwait> element
            XML samples
          <condition> element
            XML samples
          <create> element
            XML samples
          <cursor> element
            XML samples
          <custom> element
            XML samples
          <customreco> element
            XML samples
          <description> element
            XML samples
          <else> element
            XML samples
          <extract> element
            XML samples
          <HAScript> element
            XML samples
          <if> element
            XML samples
          <import> element
            XML samples
          <input> element
            XML samples
          <mouseclick> element
            XML samples
          <nextscreen> element
            XML samples
          <nextscreens> element
            XML samples
          <numfields> element
            XML samples
          <numinputfields> element
            XML samples
          <oia> element
            XML samples
          <pause> element
            XML samples
          <perform> element
            XML samples
          <playmacro> element
            XML samples
          <prompt> element
            XML samples
          <recolimit> element
            XML samples
          <screen> element
            XML samples
          <sqlquery> element
            XML samples
          <string> element
            XML samples
          <trace> element
            XML samples
          <type> element
            XML samples
          <vars> element
            XML samples
          <varupdate> element
            XML samples
      Additional information
        Default rule for combining multiple descriptors in one macro screen
        Mnemonic keywords for the Input action
        Programming interface information
      Troubleshooting and support
      Troubleshooting overview
        Recording the symptoms of the problem
        Recreating the problem
        Eliminating possible causes
      Searching for information
        Search the HCL documentation
        Search the Internet
  HCL Z and I Emulator for Transformation (ENGLISH)
  Release Notes
      Readme Version 2.0
      Readme Version 1.0
    More information
      System Requirements
      Known Issues
  Product Documentation
      Configuring HCL Z and I Emulator for Transformation with Flexera
      Flexera Licensing integration for ZIETrans Projects
        Secure License Server Configuration
        Enable Runtime Licensing in ZIETrans
          Flexera Runtime properties file parameters:
        License terms and troubleshooting
        How does licensing work in ZIETrans?
    Getting Started
      Introducing Z and I Emulator for Transformation
        What is ZIETrans?
        A ZIETrans 3270 example
        A ZIETrans 5250 example
        Roles and skills
          Casual Web developer
          Advanced Web developer
          ZIETrans administrator
          WebSphere administrator
          Independent software vendors
          Accessibility when using ZIETrans
            Keyboard shortcuts
        Where can I find information about ZIETrans?
      Installing ZIETrans
        Installing ZIETrans Toolkit
        Updating the ZIETrans Toolkit installation
        Uninstalling ZIETrans Toolkit
        Checking the current version
        Troubleshooting Installation issues using Log files
      Flexera Licensing integration for ZIETrans Projects
        Secure License Server Configuration
        Enable Runtime Licensing in ZIETrans
          Flexera Runtime properties file parameters:
        License terms and troubleshooting
        How does licensing work in ZIETrans?
      Creating a basic ZIETrans project
        Introducing the Eclipse environment
        Starting ZIETrans Toolkit and perspective
        Introducing the ZIETrans Welcome page
        Starting ZIETrans functions
          Using ZIETrans icons
          ZIETrans tips
        Developing a ZIETrans project
          Creating a ZIETrans project
          Testing your project
            Testing modes for Web projects
            Testing your Web project
            Testing modes for rich client projects
            Testing your rich client project
            While testing your project
      Customizing your ZIETrans project
        Understanding how a ZIETrans application works
          Understanding ZIETrans resources
        Using the host terminal screen as you work
          Host screen preview
          Working with screen captures
        Updating your project's template
        Editing default rendering
        Creating global rules
        Working with screen events
          Creating a new screen customization
          Creating a new screen combination
          Ordering and enabling your screen events
        Working with transformations
          Understanding host components and widgets
          How ZIETrans uses transformations
          Creating a new transformation
            Editing a transformation
        Performing other customization tasks
          Auto advance
          Displaying function keys (PF keys)
          Replacing text strings from the host screen
          Using macros
          Creating background connections
          Defining global variables
          Applying business logic
          Using keyboard support
          Creating Integration Objects and EJB projects
          Specifying a workstation ID
          Using print support
          Subfile support
          Using Extended Field Attributes
          Enabling Enhanced Non-Programmable Terminal User Interface (ENPTUI)
          5250 HTML DDS keyword support (Web-only)
      Preparing your ZIETrans project for use as an application
        Deploying ZIETrans Web applications
          Exporting your project as an application
          Installing your application in a runtime environment
        Deploying ZIETrans rich client applications
          Exporting your project as an Eclipse feature
          Exporting ZIETrans runtime features
          Creating an update site
          Installing your application in a runtime environment
            Eclipse RCP
        Programming interface information
    User's and Administrator's Guide
      Using Z and I Emulator for Transformation (ZIETrans)
        Understanding ZIETrans key concepts and objects
        Understanding ZIETrans application processing
        Understanding ZIETrans application development
        How do I know what version of ZIETrans I have?
        Gathering problem determination information
        Where can I find information about ZIETrans?
      Developing and deploying ZIETrans Web applications
        Organizing ZIETrans Web applications
          Moving ZIETrans Web projects to a different .ear file
        Backing up your ZIETrans projects
        Exporting and importing ZIETrans Web projects
          Exporting a Web project
            Archive file
          Importing a Web project
        Deploying ZIETrans Web applications
          Enabling the ZIETrans runtime
          Exporting your project as a Java EE application
          Installing your application in a runtime environment
          Changes necessary in the runtime environment
            Configuring class loader policy
            Configuring ZIETrans applications in a clustered environment
            Configuring ZIETrans applications to use a proxy server
        Developing ZIETrans applications for Oracle WebLogic Server
          Installing and configuring for WebLogic servers
          Considerations and limitations for WebLogic servers
        Developing ZIETrans applications for Web Sphere Application Server Liberty Porfile
          Considerations and limitations for WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile
        Developing ZIETrans applications for the JBoss EAP Server
          Installing and configuring JBoss EAP
          Considerations and limitations for JBoss servers
        Developing ZIETrans applications for mobile devices
          Considerations and limitations for mobile devices
          Considerations and limitations for iPad devices
          Considerations and limitations for Android devices
      Developing and deploying ZIETrans rich client applications
        Developing ZIETrans rich client applications
        Target platform specifics
          Project contents
          Setting the compiler compliance level
        ZIETrans RCP Runtime Extension project
        Working with ZIETrans rich client projects
          Copying resources between Web and rich client projects
          Exporting and importing ZIETrans rich client projects
        Testing ZIETrans rich client applications
          Setting the default JRE
            Eclipse RCP
          Launching your project
            Eclipse RCP
        Deploying ZIETrans rich client applications
          Packaging an Eclipse client environment for distribution
          Packaging for existing Eclipse clients (Eclipse RCP)
            Exporting your project as an Eclipse feature
            Exporting ZIETrans runtime features
            Creating an update site
            Installing your application in a runtime environment
              Eclipse RCP
              Automatic update process
          Updating plug-in and feature version numbers
        Administering ZIETrans rich client applications
        Runtime environment
          Applications view
            Pop-up menu
            Print screen support
          Transformation view
            Template and transformation area
            Host keypad
            OIA status area
            Closing the view
          Workstation ID prompting
          LU name prompting
            Print preferences
            Troubleshooting preferences
        ZIETrans rich client considerations and limitations
      Modifying a ZIETrans project
          Default rendering
            Multiple rendering set example
            Advanced rendering
              Alternate rendering
              HTML tables
            How to make default rendering customizations available in new ZIETrans projects
          Global rules
          Text replacement
          Components and widgets
          Toolbar (RCP-only)
          Application keypad
          Host keypad
          Operator information area
          Screen event priority
          Application events
          Keyboard support
          Client locale
          Connection parameter overrides
            Selecting the type of connection to use when overriding parameters
            The disconnectOnClose parameter
          Asynchronous Update (RCP-only)
          Automatic Disconnect and Refresh (Web-only)
            Using the client pull (AJAX) method
              Client pull (AJAX) settings
            Using the server push (applet) method
              Server push (applet) settings
          Global variable overrides
          Client settings
          Macro Content Assistance
        Using ZIETrans preferences
        Use of other Eclipse preferences
      Managing connections
        Creating a connection
        Connection editor
            Print settings for 3270E connections
            Print settings for 5250 and 5250W connections
          Screen Handling
          User List
            Clustering and user lists
      Working with screen events
        Create a Screen Customization wizard
        Create a Screen Combination wizard
        Editing screen events
          Screen Recognition Criteria or Begin Screen
            Associated screen capture
            Fields criteria
            Cursor position criteria
            Optional versus non-optional screen recognition criteria
            Inverted match of screen recognition criteria
            Additional criteria
              String criterion
              Global variable criterion
              Color criterion
              Compare region to value criterion
              Compare region to region criterion
              Condition criterion
              Custom criterion
          Rendering (screen combination only)
          Navigation (screen combination only)
          End Screen (screen combination only)
            Select ending criteria
            Number of iterations
            Associated screen capture
            Screen descriptor settings
            Apply transformation action
            Execute business logic action
            Extract global variable action
            Insert data action
            Set global variable action
            Remove global variable action
            Show URL or SWT composite action (RCP-only)
            Show URL action (Web-only)
            Forward to URL action (Web-only)
            Play macro
            Perform macro transaction
            Send key
          Global Rules
          Text Replacement
          Next Screen
        Inhibited screens
          Recognition criteria
          Automated handling of inhibited screens
          Handling multiple inhibited screens
        Importing BMS map sets
      Working with transformations
        Create a Transformation wizard
        Editing transformations
          Editing transformations for Web projects
          Editing transformations for rich client projects
            Palette view
            Properties view
            Hints and tips
        Transformation wizards
          Insert Host Component
          Edit Host Component (Web-only)
          Insert Default Rendering
          Edit Default Rendering (Web-only)
          Insert Tabbed Folder (Web-only)
          Insert Macro Key
          Insert Global Variable
          Insert Operator Information Area (Web-only)
          Insert Host Keypad
            Default Keypad (Web-only)
            Custom Keypad (Web-only)
            Individual Key
          Insert Application Keypad
            Default Keypad (Web-only)
            Custom Keypad (Web-only)
            Individual Key
          Insert All Host Components (Web-only)
          Insert Stored Screen (Web-only)
        Previewing transformations
        Host keypad
      Component and widget descriptions and settings
        Component and widget settings
        Host component settings
          Command line
            Scrollbar field (ENPTUI)
            Selection field (ENPTUI)
          Function key
          HTML DDS keyword (Web-only)
          Input field
          Input field with hints
          Item selection
          Light pen (attention)
          Light pen (selection)
          Selection list
          Table (field)
          Table (visual)
        Widget settings
          Button table
          Calendar (Web-only)
          Check box
          Combo (RCP-only)
          Drop-down (data entry)
          Drop-down (selection)
          Graph (horizontal bar, line, vertical bar)
          Link (item selection)
          Radio button (data entry)
          Radio button (item selection)
          Radio button (selection)
          Scrollbar (ENPTUI)
          Subfile (check box)
          Subfile (drop-down)
          Subfile (popup)
          Text input
          Toolbar (RCP-only)
        Component and widget mapping
      Using templates
        Template examples
        Create a Template wizard
        Editing templates
          Editing templates for Web projects
              Using style sheets
                Modifying style sheets
                Determining which styles to edit
              ZIETrans style sheets
              Design tab considerations and limitations
            Making customized templates, style sheets, and images available
          Editing templates for rich client projects
        Application keypad
      Macros and host terminal
        Macro Editor
            Open Host Terminal
              Host Terminal
                Macro related icons
              Host Screen Preview
            Advanced Editor
          Prompts and Extracts
        Working with macro errors
        Importing a macro
        Exporting a macro
        Macro hints and tips
          Preventing an infinite loop
          Handling transient screens
      Interacting with global variables
        Renaming global variables
        Differences between global variables and macro variables
          Global variables
          Macro variables
      Using Integration Objects
        Creating an Integration Object
        Integration Object chaining
          Deciding when to use Integration Object chaining
          Using Integration Object chaining
          Debugging applications that use Integration Object chaining
        Building Web pages from an Integration Object
          Create Model 1 Web pages
          Create Struts Web pages
          Create JSF Web pages
        BasicIOErrorPage.jsp and AdvancedIOErrorPage.jsp
        Working with Integration Objects on JSPs
          Insert Integration Object Properties
          Insert Forward to ZIETrans Application
      Combining screens
        Combining contiguous output data
        Combining noncontiguous output data
        Combining output from multiple applications
        Combining input for multiple screens
      Enabling print support
        Configuring the host print session on 3270 hosts
        Defining print support for your project
          For 3270E connections
            Using the Host On-Demand PDT compiler
          For 5250 connections
        Providing documentation for users
      Enabling keyboard support
        Defining keyboard support
        Changing the appearance of the keypads
        Providing documentation for users
          Special 5250 field key support
            Default field keypress combinations
            Quick Field Exit
            Quick Field Minus
            Alternate way to input negative numbers
            Field Exit Emulation
        Remapping the keyboard in a ZIETrans application
          Concepts to understand before remapping ZIETrans keys
            Mnemonic keywords
            Determining keycode values
          Remapping keys for ZIETrans Web applications
          Remapping keys for ZIETrans rich client applications
            Determining which strategy ZIETrans is using
          Adding additional keypad buttons to a transformation
      Using host simulation
        Host simulation wizard
        Host simulation editor
          Overview tab
            General Information section
            Playback Settings section
          Source tab
        Recording in the runtime environment
        Playback options
        Importing and exporting trace files
      Using ZIETrans administrative console
        ZIETrans administrative console and WebSphere security
        ZIETrans administrative console roles
        Starting ZIETrans administrative console
          Starting the administrative console while in ZIETrans Toolkit
        Using the functions in ZIETrans administrative console
          Selecting management scope
          Managing licenses
          Monitoring connections
          Monitoring connection pools
          Monitoring pool definitions
          Monitoring user lists and user list members
          Administering problem determination components
            Log and trace file names
            View Log
            Set Log Options
            Set Trace Options
        Display terminal functions
          Using display terminal for testing and debugging
      Security and Web Express Logon
        Enabling SSL security
        Enabling SSH security
        Using Web Express Logon (WEL)
          Planning for implementation
          How to create a WEL logon macro
          Network Security plug-in
          Credential Mapper plug-ins
            Credential Mapper selection
          Initialization parameters
            DCAS parameters for DCAS/RACF/JDBC Credential Mapper plug-in
            DCAS parameters for Certificate-based DCAS/RACF Credential Mapper plug-in
            Vault parameters for JDBC Vault Credential Mapper plug-in
          Create SSL keystore file (DCAS only)
        Java 2 security
          Policy file
      Language support
        Code pages
        Encoding settings
        5250 Unicode support
        Using accented characters for code page 937
        Using code page 1388 (GB18030)
        Host code mapping for code pages 1390 and 1399
          JIS2004 support
            JIS2004 support considerations and limitations
            JIS2004 support for PDT printing and Print-to-File for 3270E sessions
            Disabling JIS2004 support for code pages 1390 and 1399
        Remapping keyboard and display characters
          Priority of character replacement
      Double-byte character set support
        DBCS and SBCS field support
        Data type checking
        Field length checking
        Copy-and-paste prevention
        Input Method Editor (IME)
        AutoIME switching
        Shift Out/Shift In considerations
        Other considerations
          Project theme settings
            DBCS eliminate maximum length
          Project settings editor
            Rendering tab
            Other tab
              Enable automatic field advance
              Overwrite mode (initial)
              Select all text on focus
          Screen event editor
            Screen recognition criteria / Begin screen
          Host components
            Selection list
            SBCS eliminate maximum length
          Macro support
            Recording a macro
            Exporting a macro
          Creating an Integration Object
          Working with mobile device applications
          Remapping keyboard and display characters
          Working with user-defined characters
            Display support
            Print support
            Printing UDCs in Adobe PDF mode
            Printing UDCs in PDT mode
      Runtime properties files
        Tracing options
        Host On-Demand tracing
        Host simulation tracing
      ZIETrans screen-settling reference
        Screen-settling overview
        Screen-settling procedure
        Analyzing outbound data
        Waiting for OIA flags
        Changing customization settings
        Determining which strategy ZIETrans is using
        Contention resolution (TN3270E only)
          Contention resolution using z/OS Communications Server
          Contention resolution using other Communications Servers
          Performance impact of using contention resolution
          Determining contention resolution status
        Automatic refresh
        Transient screen handling
        Initial blank screen handling settings
        Related ZIETrans settings
        Tuning ZIETrans screen-settling
          Contention resolution information
          Advanced Macro Guide
        Programming interface information
    Web Application Programmer's Guide
        Code examples
        Using the API documentation (Javadoc)
      Adding business logic
        Incorporating Java code from other applications
        Using global variables in business logic
        Business logic examples
          Example: Date conversion
          Example: Adding values that are contained in an indexed global variable
          Example: Reading a list of strings from a file into an indexed global variable
          Example: Calling an Integration Object
        Using custom screen recognition
          Example of custom screen recognition
          Custom screen recognition using global variables
        Accessing javax.servlet classes
      Creating custom components and widgets
        ZIETrans component tag and attributes
        Creating a custom host component
        Extending component classes
        Creating a custom HTML widget
          Extending widget classes
          Widgets and global rules
        Registering your component or widget
        ZIETrans Toolkit support for custom component and widget settings
      Programming with Integration Objects
        A common class for accessing Integration Object information
        Java class hierarchy of Integration Objects
        Integration Object methods
          Common methods
          Host Access Integration Object methods
          Database Access Integration Object methods
        Specifying Connection Overrides
        Integration Object chaining
        Applying XML style sheet processing to Integration Object output
          DTD of XML data that is returned by getHPubXMLProperties() method
            XML data using the getHPubXMLProperties() method
          DTD of XML data that is returned by getHPubXMLProperties (HPubConvertToTableFormat.xsl) method
            XML data with HPubConvertToTableFormat style sheet applied
      Developing Web services
        Creating traditional (WSDL-based) Web services
          Creating a Bottom-up Web service from Integration Objects
          Testing your Web service with Web Services Explorer
          Creating a Web service client
          Creating a Top-down Web service that includes Integration Objects
          Programming with Web Services Integration Objects
            Integration Object chaining with Web Services
            EJB Access Bean chaining with Web Services
            Special considerations with chaining Web Services
          Updating Web services
          Web services for JAX-WS runtime considerations and limitations
        Creating RESTful Web services
          Creating RESTful service JAX-RS resources
          Updating RESTful service JAX-RS resources
          Customizing RESTful service JAX-RS resource methods
          Handling content
            Content type examples
          Customizing the response header
          HTTP status codes
          JAX-RS RESTful services considerations and limitations
      Creating and using a ZIETrans EJB application
        Creating a ZIETrans EJB project
          Storing a ZIETrans EJB project in a repository
          Creating EJB Access Beans automatically
        Programming with EJB Access Beans
          Using EJB Access Bean methods
            EJB Access Bean chaining
              EJB Access Bean chaining in a Web container
              EJB Access Bean chaining outside a Web container
          Using EJB Access Beans with Java application clients
            Running your application client
            Running EJB application clients in a clustered environment
      Integration Objects - advanced topics
        Customizing Integration Object Java code
        Choosing Integration Object templates
          Choosing Integration Object templates for a bidirectional project
        Modifying Java coding templates
          Sample modified Integration Object template
            Extracting data from non-text planes
        Using Integration Objects in a WebSphere Java EE application
          Using an Integration Object in a Web container (custom servlet or JSP)
          Using an Integration Object in an EJB container (from your own EJB)
        Connection management API
      Creating plug-ins for Web Express Logon
        Creating custom plug-ins for Web Express Logon
          Web Express Logon plug-in interface
          Writing a Network Security plug-in
          Writing a Credential Mapper plug-in
          Sample Web Express Logon plug-in
          Encrypting and decrypting plug-in parameter strings
          The DCAS API object
      Using the ZIETrans bidirectional API
        Data Conversion APIs
        Global Variable APIs
        BIDI OrderBean
        BIDI OrderBean methods
      ZIETrans Toolkit files
        Application file (.hap)
          <application> tag
          <connections> tag
          <connection> tag
          <eventPriority> tag
          <event> tag
          <classSettings> tag
          <class> tag
          <setting> tag
          <textReplacement> tag
          <replace> tag
          <defaultRendering> tag
          <renderingSet> tag
          <renderingItem> tag
          <globalRules> tag
          <rule> tag
        Connection files (.hco)
          <hodconnection> tag
          <otherParameters> tag
          <classSettings> tag
          <class> tag
          <setting> tag
          <poolsettings> tag
          <webexpresslogon> tag
          <userconfig> tag
        Template and transformation files (.jsp)
        Screen combination files (.evnt)
          <combinations> tag
          <enddescription> tag
          <navigation> tag
          <screenUp> tag
          <screenDown> tag
          <keyPress> tag
          <setCursor> tag
        Screen customization files (.evnt)
          <event> tag
          <actions> tag
          <apply> tag
          <insert> tag
          <extract> tag
          <set> tag
          <execute> tag
          <show> tag
          <forwardtoURL> tag
          <disconnect> tag
          <play> tag
          <perform> tag
          <pause> tag
          <sendkey> tag
          <globalRules> tag
          <rule> tag
          <associatedScreens> tag
          <screen> tag
          <description> tag
          <oia> tag
          <string> tag
          <nextEvents> tag
          <event> tag
          <remove> tag
        Macro files (.hma)
          <macro> tag
          <associatedConnections> tag
          <connection> tag
          <extracts> tag
          <extract> tag
          <prompts> tag
          <prompt> tag
          <HAScript> tag
        Screen capture files (.hsc)
        BMS Map files (.bms and .bmc)
        Image files (.gif, .jpg, or .png)
        Stylesheet files (.css)
        Spreadsheet files (.csv or .xls)
        Host simulation trace files (.hhs)
        Web Express Logon configuration file (zietranswelcfg.xml)
          <credentialmapper> tag
          <networksecurity> tag
          <cmplugins> tag
          <plugin> tag
          <param> tag
      Sample Web Express Logon plug-in
      Sample modified Integration Object template
        Programming interface information
    Rich Client Platform Programmer's Guide
        Code examples
        Using the API documentation (Javadoc)
      Plug-ins and application classes
        Plug-in project extension points
          Allowing only one instance of an application
        ZIETrans runtime extension plug-in
        Application classes
            Controlling the size of the workbench window
            Showing the perspective bar
            Customizing the workbench window toolbar
      Perspectives and views
        The Host Access perspective
        Applications view
          Programmatically starting an instance of an application
        Transformation view
          Extending the transformation view's menu
        Editing transformations
        ZIETrans-specific controls
          The ComponentRendering class
          The DefaultRendering class
          The MacroKey class
          The GlobalVariableControl class
          The HostKey class
          The ApplicationKey class
        Transformation classes
          Sending a key from a button
          Updating an input field after the user selects a SWT List widget item
          Setting the value of a global variable from a transformation
          Setting and retrieving global variable values
          Validating input on a transformation
          Customizing the host keypad
          Customizing the application keypad
          Overriding the default monospaced font
          Integrating other user interface widgets
            Binding a SWT Slider widget to a host input field
        Editing templates
          Customizing host color mappings
          Removing borders from input fields
      Runtime services
        Accessing the service manager
        Using the runtime service
        Using the application service
        Using the client service
        Using the session service
        Integration with other Eclipse UI views
          An incoming communication scenario
          Sample class and methods showing how to access the different runtime services
          Listening for 3270 Print Jobs
          Creating a custom composite for use with the Show action
      Adding business logic
        Incorporating Java code from other applications
        Using global variables in business logic
        Business logic examples
          Example: Date conversion
          Example: Adding values that are contained in an indexed global variable
          Example: Reading a list of strings from a file into an indexed global variable
        Using custom screen recognition
          Example of custom screen recognition
          Custom screen recognition using global variables
      Creating custom components and widgets
        Components and widgets properties for RCP applications
        Creating a custom host component
        Extending component classes
        Creating a custom widget
          Extending widget classes
          Widgets and global rules
        Registering your component or widget
        ZIETrans Toolkit support for custom component and widget settings
      Using the ZIETrans bidirectional API
        Data Conversion APIs
        Global Variable APIs
        BIDI OrderBean
        BIDI OrderBean methods
      ZIETrans Toolkit files
        Application file (.hap)
          <application> tag
          <connections> tag
          <connection> tag
          <eventPriority> tag
          <event> tag
          <classSettings> tag
          <class> tag
          <setting> tag
          <textReplacement> tag
          <replace> tag
          <defaultRendering> tag
          <renderingSet> tag
          <renderingItem> tag
          <globalRules> tag
          <rule> tag
        Connection files (.hco)
          <hodconnection> tag
          <otherParameters> tag
          <classSettings> tag
          <class> tag
          <setting> tag
          <poolsettings> tag
          <userconfig> tag
        Screen combination files (.evnt)
          <combinations> tag
          <enddescription> tag
          <navigation> tag
          <screenUp> tag
          <screenDown> tag
          <keyPress> tag
          <setCursor> tag
        Screen customization files (.evnt)
          <event> tag
          <actions> tag
          <apply> tag
          <insert> tag
          <extract> tag
          <set> tag
          <execute> tag
          <show> tag
          <forwardtoURL> tag
          <disconnect> tag
          <play> tag
          <perform> tag
          <pause> tag
          <sendkey> tag
          <globalRules> tag
          <rule> tag
          <associatedScreens> tag
          <screen> tag
          <description> tag
          <oia> tag
          <string> tag
          <nextEvents> tag
          <event> tag
          <remove> tag
        Macro files (.hma)
          <macro> tag
          <associatedConnections> tag
          <connection> tag
          <extracts> tag
          <extract> tag
          <prompts> tag
          <prompt> tag
          <HAScript> tag
        Screen capture files (.hsc)
        BMS Map files (.bms and .bmc)
        Image files (.gif, .jpg, or .png)
        Spreadsheet files (.csv or .xls)
        Host simulation trace files (.hhs)
        Programming interface information
    Messages Guide
    Advanced Macro Guide
      Developing macros
        Introducing advanced macros
          Adapting Host On-Demand macros for use in ZIETrans
          Working with macros in HCL ZIETrans
          Definitions of terms
        Macro structure
          Macro script
            XML elements
            Conceptual view of a macro script
          The macro screen and its subcomponents
            Application screen
            Macro screen
            Conceptual view of a macro screen
        Data types, operators, and expressions
          Basic and advanced macro format
            Representation of strings and non-alphanumeric characters
              Basic macro format rules
              Advanced macro format rules
            Converting your macro to a different format
              Converting your basic format macro to the advanced format
              Converting your advanced format macro to the basic format
          Standard data types
            Boolean data
              Boolean values are not strings
              Integer constants
          The value null
          Arithmetic operators and expressions
            Using arithmetic expressions
          String concatenation operator (+)
          Conditional and logical operators and expressions
          Automatic data type conversion
            Effect of context
            Conversion to boolean
            Conversion to integer
            Conversion to double
            Conversion to string
            Conversion errors
          Significance of a negative value for a row or column
        How the macro runtime processes a macro screen
          Overview of macro runtime processing
            Scenario used as an example
            Stages in processing a macro screen
            Stage 1
            Overview of all 3 stages of the entire process
          Stage 1: Determining the next macro screen to be processed
            Step 1(a): Adding macro screen names to the list of valid next screens
              Valid next screens
              How the macro runtime selects the names of candidate macro screens
                First macro screen
                Subsequent macro screens
                Transient screens
            Step 1(b): Screen recognition
              Overview of evaluation
              Repeated screen evaluations
              Determining whether a macro screen matches the application screen
              Defining when to terminate recognition
                Timeout setting for screen recognition
                Recognition limit
            Step 1(c): Removing the names of candidate macro screens from the list of valid next screens
          Stage 2: Making the successful candidate the new current macro screen
          Stage 3: Performing the actions in the new current macro screen
            Inserting a delay after an action
          Repeating the processing cycle
          Terminating the macro
        Screen description
          Definition of terms
          Recorded descriptions
            Why the recorded descriptions work
            Recorded descriptors provide a framework
          Evaluation of descriptors
            Overview of the process
            Evaluation of individual descriptors
            Default combining method
              When to use the default combining method
              Invertmatch attribute
              Optional attribute
              Default combining rule
            The uselogic attribute
          The descriptors
            OIA descriptor (<oia> element)
            Number of Fields descriptor (<numfields> element)
            Number of Input Fields descriptor (<numinputfields> element)
            String descriptor (<string> element)
              Specifying the rectangular area
              How the macro runtime searches the rectangular area (Wrap attribute)
                Using an extracted string in a String descriptor
              Multiple String descriptors in the same <description> element
            Cursor descriptor (<cursor> element)
            Attribute descriptor (<attrib> element)
            Condition descriptor (<condition> element)
            Custom descriptor (<customreco> element)
          Variable update action (<varupdate> element)
            Processing a Variable update action in a description
            Variable update with the uselogic attribute
        Screen recognition
          Recognizing valid next screens
          Entry screens, exit screens, and transient screens
            Entry screens
              Macro with several entry screens
              Entry screen as a normal screen
            Exit screens
            Transient screens
              Example of handling of transient screen
          Timeout settings for screen recognition
            Screen recognition
            Timeout attribute on the <HAScript> element
            Timeout attribute on the <nextscreens> element
          Recognition limit
            Determining when the recognition limit is reached
            Action when the Recognition limit is reached
        Macro actions
          Actions by function
          How actions are performed
            The runtime context
            The macro screen context
            Specifying parameters for actions
          The actions
            Comm wait action (<commwait> element)
              How the action works
              Specify a communication status that is persistent
            Conditional action (<if> element and <else> element)
              Conditional action not allowed within a Conditional action
            Extract action (<extract> element)
              Treatment of nulls and other characters that do not display
              Capturing a rectangular area of the host terminal
              Capturing a sequence of text from the host terminal
              Unwrap attribute
                When unwrap is true and continuous is false
                When unwrap is true and continuous is true
            Input action (<input> element)
              Location at which typing begins
              Input errors
              Translate host action keys (xlatehostkeys attribute)
              Move cursor to end of input (movecursor attribute)
              Encrypted attribute
                Automatic encryption during macro recording
                Using the Encrypt string (VME) or Password (AME) check box
                Using the source view
                Encrypting a variable name
            Mouse click action (<mouseclick> element)
            Pause action (<pause> element)
            Perform action (<perform> element)
            PlayMacro action (<playmacro> element)
              Adding a PlayMacro action
              Using target macros with prompts
              Transferring variables
                Requirements for transferring variables
                Additional information
                When the target macro needs to import a type
            Prompt action (<prompt> element)
              The promptall attributes
            SQLQuery action (<sqlquery> element)
            Trace action (<trace> element)
            Variable update action (<varupdate> element)
              Variable update action with a field variable
                Reading part of a field
        Timing issues
          Macro timing and delay characteristics
            What each element and attribute is for
            How the HCL ZIETrans macro processing engine uses these timing elements and attributes
            What happens after a screen's actions have completed
            High-level, textual flow of macro engine processing
          Pause after an action
            Speed of processing actions
            The pausetime attribute
            The pause attribute
            Adding a pause after a particular action
          Screen completion
            Recognizing the next macro screen too soon
              The cause: Unenhanced TN3270 protocol
              Solutions to early macro screen recognition
                Add more descriptors
                Insert a delay after the input action
                Use the contention-resolution feature of TN3270E
            Attributes that deal with screen completion
        Variables and imported Java classes
          HCL ZIETrans variables
            Global variables
            Macro variables
          Introduction to macro variables and imported types
            Advanced macro format required
            Scope of variables
            Creating a variable
            Creating an imported type for a Java class
          Common issues
            Deploying Java libraries or classes
            Variable names and type names
            Transferring variables from one macro to another
            Field variables
          Using variables
            Using variables belonging to a standard type
              Using the value that the variable holds
              Writing a value into a variable belonging to a standard type
                Writing a Java object into a variable of standard type
            Using variables belonging to an imported type
              Using the value that the variable holds
              Writing into the variable belonging to an imported type
            Comparing variables of the same imported type
          Calling Java methods
            Where method calls can be used
            Syntax of a method call
            How the macro runtime searches for a called method
          The Macro Utility Libraries (HML libraries)
            Invoking a method belonging to an HML library
            Variable names beginning with HML are reserved
              Converting numbers to and from the format of the current locale
              Method details
              Presentation space
              Method details
              Method details
              Format of the stored data
              Method details
            FormatNumberToString() and FormatStringToNumber()
        Visual Macro Editor
          Creating a new macro
          Using the editor
            Design tab
              Macro menu
              Screen menu
              Action menu
              Next screen connection menu
            Palette view
            Integrated terminal
            Source tab
          Working with macros
            Editing macro properties
              General tab
              Variables and Types tab
            Playing the macro
          Working with screens
            Editing macro screen properties
              General tab
              Screen Recognition tab
              Actions tab
            Adding macro screens
              Adding a screen by dragging a screen capture
              Adding a screen from the integrated terminal
              Adding a screen from the palette
            Associating a macro screen with a screen capture
            Screen preview
            Default screen recognition criteria
            Cut, delete, copy, and paste screens
          Working with actions
            Adding and editing actions
              Adding and editing actions from the macro screen properties
              Adding an action to a screen from the palette
            Hiding and showing actions
            Custom action
            Evaluate (If) action
            Extract action
            Extract All action
            Input action
            Pause action
            Perform action
            Play macro action
            Prompt action
            Prompt All action
            Set cursor position action
            Trace action
              Trace specification
            Update macro variable action
          Working with next screen connections
            Adding a next screen connection from the palette
            Reordering and changing next screen connections
          Working with VME preferences
        Advanced Macro Editor
          Using the editor
            Macro tab
            Screens tab
              Description tab
                Creating a new descriptor
                Field Counts and OIA descriptor
                How three separate and independent descriptors are presented as one
                Wait for OIA to Become Uninhibited descriptor
                Counting fields in the host terminal during macro development
                Treatment during screen recognition
                The '*' string in a new String descriptor
              Actions tab
                Creating a new action
            Links tab
            Variables tab
              Creating a new variable
              Creating an imported type for a Java class
          Working with actions
            Comm wait action
              Communication states
            Conditional action
              Specifying the condition
              Condition is True (<if> element)
              Condition is False (<else> element)
            Extract action
              Capturing text
                Set the Continuous Extract option
                Specify the area of the host terminal
                Specify an extraction name
                Specify TEXT_PLANE as the data plane
                Specify the variable in which you want the text to be stored
            Input action
              Input string
            Mouse click action
              Specifying row and column
            Pause action
            Perform action
              Invoking the method
            Playmacro action
              Target macro file name and starting screen
            Prompt action
              Displaying the prompt window
                Parts of the prompt window
                Default Response
                Password Response
                Require Response
              Processing the contents of the input field
                Response Length
                Action keys and Translate Host Action Keys
              Handling the input sequence in the host terminal
              Assigning the input sequence to a variable
            SQLQuery action
              The statement and results section
              Using the SQL Wizard
              Using the fields in the statement section
                Database URL
                Driver Identifier and Driver Class
                User ID and Password
              Using the result section
                Storing the data into a macro variable ($HMLSQLUtil$)
              Using the SQLQuery action with bidirectional languages
            Trace action
              Trace specification
            Variable update action
      The Host On-Demand macro language
        Macro language features
          Syntax and editing
            XML syntax in the Host On-Demand macro language
            Source view editing
          Hierarchy of the elements
          Inserting comments into a macro script
            Comment errors
            Examples of comments
          Debugging macro scripts with the <trace> element
        Macro language elements
          Specifying the attributes
            XML requirements
            Advanced format in attribute values
            Typed data
          <actions> element
            XML samples
          <attrib> element
            XML samples
          <comment> element
            XML samples
            Alternate method for inserting comments
          <commwait> element
            XML samples
          <condition> element
            XML samples
          <create> element
            XML samples
          <cursor> element
            XML samples
          <custom> element
            XML samples
          <customreco> element
            XML samples
          <description> element
            XML samples
          <else> element
            XML samples
          <extract> element
            XML samples
          <HAScript> element
            XML samples
          <if> element
            XML samples
          <import> element
            XML samples
          <input> element
            XML samples
          <mouseclick> element
            XML samples
          <nextscreen> element
            XML samples
          <nextscreens> element
            XML samples
          <numfields> element
            XML samples
          <numinputfields> element
            XML samples
          <oia> element
            XML samples
          <pause> element
            XML samples
          <perform> element
            XML samples
          <playmacro> element
            XML samples
          <prompt> element
            XML samples
          <recolimit> element
            XML samples
          <screen> element
            XML samples
          <sqlquery> element
            XML samples
          <string> element
            XML samples
          <trace> element
            XML samples
          <type> element
            XML samples
          <vars> element
            XML samples
          <varupdate> element
            XML samples
      Additional information
        Default rule for combining multiple descriptors in one macro screen
        Mnemonic keywords for the Input action
        Programming interface information
      Troubleshooting and support
      Troubleshooting overview
        Recording the symptoms of the problem
        Recreating the problem
        Eliminating possible causes
      Searching for information
        Search the HCL documentation
        Search the Internet
HCL Z and I Emulator for Transformation (英語)
  HCL Z and I Emulator for Transformation (英語)
      README バージョン 2.0
      README バージョン 1.0
      Flexera を使用した HCL Z and I Emulator for Transformation の構成
      ZIETrans プロジェクトの Flexera ライセンス統合
        ZIETrans でのランタイム・ライセンスの有効化
          Flexera ランタイム・プロパティー・ファイル・パラメーター:
        ZIETrans のライセンスの仕組み
      概要 Z and I Emulator for Transformation
        ZIETrans とは
        ZIETrans 3270 の例
        ZIETrans 5250 の例
          臨時の Web 開発者
          高度な Web 開発者
          ZIETrans 管理者
          ZIETrans を使用するときのアクセシビリティー
        ZIETrans に関する情報の検索場所
      ZIETrans のインストール
        ZIETrans Toolkit のインストール
        ZIETrans Toolkit インストールの更新
        ZIETrans Toolkit のアンインストール
      ZIETrans プロジェクトの Flexera ライセンス統合
        ZIETrans でのランタイム・ライセンスの有効化
          Flexera ランタイム・プロパティー・ファイル・パラメーター:
        ZIETrans のライセンスの仕組み
      基本 ZIETrans プロジェクトの作成
        Eclipse 環境の概要
        ZIETrans Toolkit およびパースペクティブの開始
        ZIETrans ようこそページの紹介
        ZIETrans 機能の開始
          ZIETrans アイコンの使用
          ZIETrans のヒント
        ZIETrans プロジェクトの開発
          ZIETrans プロジェクトの作成
            Web プロジェクトのテスト・モード
            Web プロジェクトのテスト
      ZIETrans プロジェクトのカスタマイズ
        ZIETrans アプリケーションが機能する仕組みについて
          ZIETrans リソースについて
        画面イベント での作業
          ZIETrans における変換の機能
          ファンクション・キー (PF キー) の表示
          統合オブジェクトおよび EJB プロジェクトの作成
          ワークステーション ID の指定
          拡張非プログラマブル端末ユーザー・インターフェース (ENPTUI) の使用可能化
          5250 HTML DDS キーワード・サポート (Web のみ)
      ZIETrans プロジェクトをアプリケーションとして使用するための準備
        ZIETrans Web アプリケーションのデプロイ
        ZIETrans リッチ・クライアント・アプリケーションのデプロイ
          プロジェクトを Eclipse フィーチャーとしてエクスポート
          ZIETrans ランタイム・フィーチャーのエクスポート
            Eclipse RCP
      Z and I Emulator for Transformation (ZIETrans) の使用
        ZIETrans の主要概念とオブジェクト
        ZIETrans アプリケーション処理の概要の理解
        ZIETrans アプリケーション開発の概要の理解
        使用している ZIETrans バージョンを確認する方法
        ZIETrans に関する情報の検索場所
      ZIETrans Web アプリケーションの開発およびデプロイ
        ZIETrans Web アプリケーションの編成
          ZIETrans Web プロジェクトを別の .ear ファイルに移動させる
        ZIETrans プロジェクトのバックアップ
        ZIETrans Web プロジェクトのエクスポートとインポート
          Web プロジェクトのエクスポート
          Web プロジェクトのインポート
        ZIETrans Web アプリケーションのデプロイ
          ZIETrans ランタイムの使用可能化
          プロジェクトを Java EE アプリケーションとしてエクスポート
            クラスター環境での ZIETrans アプリケーションの構成
            プロキシー・サーバーを使用するための ZIETrans アプリケーションの構成
        Oracle WebLogic Server 用の ZIETrans アプリケーションの開発
          WebLogic サーバーのインストールおよび構成
          WebLogic サーバーに関する考慮事項および制限
        WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile 用の ZIETrans アプリケーションの開発
          WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile に関する考慮事項および制限
        JBoss EAP Server 用の ZIETrans アプリケーションの開発
          JBoss EAP のインストールおよび構成
          JBoss サーバーに関する考慮事項および制約事項
        モバイル装置用の ZIETrans アプリケーションの作成
          iPad デバイスに関する考慮事項および制限
          Android デバイスに関する考慮事項および制限
      ZIETrans リッチ・クライアント・アプリケーションの開発とデプロイ
        ZIETrans リッチ・クライアント・アプリケーションの開発
        ZIETrans RCP ランタイム拡張プロジェクト
        ZIETrans リッチ・クライアント・プロジェクトの処理
          Web プロジェクトとリッチ・クライアント・プロジェクトの間でのリソースのコピー
          ZIETrans リッチ・クライアント・プロジェクトのエクスポートとインポート
        ZIETrans リッチ・クライアント・アプリケーションのテスト
          デフォルト JRE の設定
            Eclipse RCP
            Eclipse RCP
        ZIETrans リッチ・クライアント・アプリケーションのデプロイ
          配布用の Eclipse クライアント環境のパッケージ化
          既存の Eclipse クライアント (Eclipse RCP) 用のパッケージ化
            プロジェクトを Eclipse フィーチャーとしてエクスポート
            ZIETrans ランタイム・フィーチャーのエクスポート
              Eclipse RCP
        ZIETrans リッチ・クライアント・アプリケーションの管理
            OIA 状況域
          ワークステーション ID のプロンプト表示
          LU 名のプロンプト表示
        ZIETrans リッチ・クライアントの考慮事項と制限
      ZIETrans プロジェクトの変更
              HTML テーブル
            新規 ZIETrans プロジェクトでデフォルトのレンダリング・カスタマイズを使用可能にする方法
          ツールバー (RCP のみ)
            disconnectOnClose パラメーター
          非同期更新 (RCP のみ)
          自動切断および最新表示(Web のみ)
            クライアント・プル (AJAX) メソッドの使用
              クライアント・プル (AJAX) の設定
            サーバー・プッシュ (アプレット) メソッドの使用
              サーバー・プッシュ (アプレット) の設定
        ZIETrans プリファレンスの使用
        その他の Eclipse プリファレンスの使用
            3270E 接続の印刷設定
            5250 および 5250W 接続の印刷設定
          レンダリング (画面組み合わせのみ)
          ナビゲーション (画面組み合わせのみ)
          終了画面 (画面組み合わせのみ)
            「URL または SWT コンポジットを表示」アクション (RCP のみ)
            「URL を表示」アクション (Web のみ)
            「URL に転送」アクション(Web のみ)
        BMS マップ・セットのインポート
          Web プロジェクトの変換の編集
          ホスト・コンポーネントを編集(Web のみ)
          デフォルト・レンダリングを編集(Web のみ)
          タブ付きフォルダーを挿入 (Web のみ)
          オペレーター情報域を挿入(Web のみ)
            デフォルト・キーパッド(Web のみ)
            カスタム・キーパッド(Web のみ)
            デフォルト・キーパッド(Web のみ)
            カスタム・キーパッド(Web のみ)
          すべてのホスト・コンポーネントを挿入(Web のみ)
          格納済み画面を挿入(Web のみ)
            スクロール・バー・フィールド (ENPTUI)
            選択フィールド (ENPTUI)
          HTML DDS キーワード(Web のみ)
          ライト・ペン (アテンション)
          ライト・ペン (選択)
          テーブル (フィールド)
          テーブル (可視)
          カレンダー (Web のみ)
          コンボ (RCP のみ)
          ドロップダウン (データ入力)
          ドロップダウン (選択)
          グラフ (水平棒、折れ線、垂直棒)
          リンク (項目選択)
          ラジオ・ボタン (データ入力)
          ラジオ・ボタン (項目選択)
          ラジオ・ボタン (選択)
          スクロール・バー (ENPTUI)
          サブファイル (チェック・ボックス)
          サブファイル (ドロップダウン)
          サブファイル (ポップアップ)
          ツールバー (RCP のみ)
          Web プロジェクトのテンプレートの編集
              ZIETrans スタイル・シート
              Host Terminal
        統合オブジェクトからの Web ページのビルド
          モデル 1 Web ページの作成
          Struts Web ページの作成
          JSF Web ページの作成
        BasicIOErrorPage.jsp および AdvancedIOErrorPage.jsp
        JSP での統合オブジェクトの使用
          ZIETrans アプリケーションへの転送の挿入
        3270 ホストでのホスト印刷セッションの構成
          3270E 接続の場合
            Host On-Demand PDT コンパイラーの使用
          5250 接続の場合
          特殊な 5250 フィールド・キーのサポート
        ZIETrans アプリケーションでのキーボードの再マップ
          ZIETrans キーを再マップする前に理解しておくべき概念
          ZIETrans Web アプリケーションのキーの再マップ
          ZIETrans リッチ・クライアント・アプリケーションのキーの再マップ
            ZIETrans で使用されている計画の判断
      ZIETrans 管理コンソールの使用
        ZIETrans 管理コンソールおよび WebSphere セキュリティー
        ZIETrans 管理コンソールの役割
        ZIETrans 管理コンソールの開始
          ZIETrans Toolkit での管理コンソールの開始
        ZIETrans 管理コンソールの機能の使用
      セキュリティーおよび Web Expressログオン
        SSL セキュリティーの有効化
        SSH セキュリティーの使用可能化
        Web Expressログオン (WEL) の使用
          WEL ログオン・マクロの作成方法
          Credential Mapper プラグイン
            Credential Mapper の選択
            DCAS/RACF/JDBC Credential Mapper プラグインの DCAS パラメーター
            証明書ベースの DCAS/RACF Credential Mapper プラグインの DCAS パラメーター
            JDBC ボールト Credential Mapper プラグインのボールト・パラメーター
          SSL 鍵ストア・ファイルの作成 (DCAS のみ)
        Java 2 セキュリティ
        5250 Unicode サポート
        コード・ページ 937 のアクセント付き文字の使用
        コード・ページ 1388 の使用 (GB18030)
        コード・ページ 1390 および 1399 のホスト・コード・マッピング
          JIS2004 サポート
            JIS2004 サポートの考慮事項と制限
            3270E セッション向け PDT 印刷および Print-to-File のための JIS2004 サポート
            コード・ページ 1390 および 1399 用の JIS2004 サポートの無効化
      2 バイト文字セットのサポート
        DBCS および SBCS フィールドのサポート
        Input Method Editor (IME)
        AutoIME 切り替え
            DBCS 最大長の除去
            [その他] タブ
              上書きモード (初期)
            SBCS での最大長の除去
            Adobe PDF モードでの UDC の印刷
            PDT モードでの UDC の印刷
        Host On-Demand トレース
      ZIETrans 画面確定の参照
        OIA フラグの取得待ち
        ZIETrans で使用されている計画の判断
        コンテンション解消 (TN3270E のみ)
          z/OS Communications Server を使用する場合のコンテンション解消
          他の Communications Server を使用する場合のコンテンション解消
        関連する ZIETrans 設定
        ZIETrans 画面確定の調整
    Web アプリケーション・プログラマーズ・ガイド
        API 資料の使用 (Javadoc)
      ビジネス・ロジックの 追加
        他のアプリケーションからの Java コードの組み込み
          例: 日付変換
          例: 索引付きグローバル変数に含まれている値の追加
          例: ファイルから索引付きグローバル変数へのストリング・リストの読み取り
          例: 統合オブジェクトの呼び出し
        javax.servlet クラスへのアクセス
        ZIETrans のコンポーネント・タグおよび属性
        カスタムの作成 ホスト・コンポーネント
        カスタム HTML ウィジェット (widget)の作成
        ZIETrans Toolkit のカスタム・コンポーネントおよびウィジェットの設定に対するサポート
        Java クラス階層 (統合オブジェクト)
        統合オブジェクト出力への XML スタイル・シート処理の適用
          getHPubXMLProperties() メソッドによって戻される XML データの DTD
            getHPubXMLProperties() メソッドを使用する XML データ
          getHPubXMLProperties (HPubConvertToTableFormat.xsl) メソッドによって戻される XML データの DTD
            HPubConvertToTableFormat スタイル・シートを適用した XML データ
      Web サービスの開発
        従来の (WSDL ベースの) Web サービスを作成
          統合オブジェクトからのボトムアップ Web サービスの作成
          Web Services Explorer による Web サービスのテスト
          Web サービス・クライアントの作成
          統合オブジェクトを含むトップダウン Web サービスの作成
          Web サービスの統合オブジェクトを使用したプログラミング
            統合オブジェクトと Web サービスのチェーニング
            Web サービスを使用した EJB アクセス Bean チェーン
            Web サービスのチェーニングに関する特別な考慮事項
          更新、Web サービスの
          JAX-WS ランタイムの Web サービスの考慮事項および制限
        RESTful Web サービスの作成
          RESTful サービスの JAX-RS リソースの作成
          RESTful サービスの JAX-RS リソースの更新
          RESTful サービスの JAX-RS リソース・メソッドのカスタマイズ
          HTTP 状況コード
          JAX-RS RESTful サービスの考慮事項および制限事項
      ZIETrans EJB アプリケーションの作成と使用
        ZIETrans EJB プロジェクトの作成
          リポジトリーへの ZIETrans EJB プロジェクトの保管
          EJB Access Beans の自動作成
        EJB Access Beans のプログラミング
          EJB Access Bean メソッドの使用
            EJB Access Bean のチェーニング
              Web コンテナーでの EJB Access Bean のチェーニング
              Web コンテナー外での EJB Access Bean のチェーニング
          Java アプリケーション・クライアントでの EJB Access Bean の使用
            クラスター化環境での EJB アプリケーション・クライアントの実行
      統合オブジェクト - 高度なトピック
        統合オブジェクト Java コードのカスタマイズ
        Java コード・テンプレートの変更
        WebSphereJava EE アプリケーションでの統合オブジェクトの使用
          Web コンテナーでの統合オブジェクトの使用 (カスタム・サーブレットまたは JSP)
          EJB コンテナーでの統合オブジェクトの使用 (独自の EJB から)
        接続管理 API
      Web 高速ログオン のプラグインの作成
        Web 高速ログオン のカスタム・プラグインの作成
          Web 高速ログオン プラグイン・インターフェース
          サンプル Web 高速ログオン プラグイン
          DCAS API オブジェクト
      ZIETrans 双方向 API の使用
        データ変換 API
        グローバル変数 API
        BIDI OrderBean
        BIDI OrderBean メソッド
      ZIETrans Toolkit ファイル
        アプリケーション・ファイル (.hap)
          <application> タグ
          <connections> タグ
          <connection> タグ
          <eventPriority> タグ
          <event> タグ
          <classSettings> タグ
          <class> タグ
          <setting> タグ
          <textReplacement> タグ
          <replace> タグ
          <renderingSet> タグ
          <renderingItem> タグ
          <globalRules> タグ
          <rule> タグ
        接続ファイル (.hco)
          <hodconnection> タグ
          <otherParameters> タグ
          <classSettings> タグ
          <class> タグ
          <setting> タグ
          <poolsettings> タグ
          <webexpresslogon> タグ
          <userconfig> タグ
        テンプレート・ファイルと変換ファイル (.jsp)
        画面組み合わせファイル (.evnt)
          <combinations> タグ
          <enddescription> タグ
          <navigation> タグ
          <screenUp> タグ
          <screenDown> タグ
          <keyPress> タグ
          <setCursor> タグ
        画面カスタマイズ・ファイル (.evnt)
          <event> タグ
          <actions> タグ
          <apply> タグ
          <insert> タグ
          <extract> タグ
          <set> タグ
          <execute> タグ
          <show> タグ
          <forwardtoURL> タグ
          <disconnect> タグ
          <play> タグ
          <perform> タグ
          <pause> タグ
          <sendkey> タグ
          <globalRules> タグ
          <rule> タグ
          <associatedScreens> タグ
          <screen> タグ
          <description> タグ
          <oia> タグ
          <string> タグ
          <nextEvents> タグ
          <event> タグ
          <remove> タグ
        マクロ・ファイル (.hma)
          <macro> タグ
          <associatedConnections> タグ
          <connection> タグ
          <extracts> タグ
          <extract> タグ
          <prompts> タグ
          <prompt> タグ
          <HAScript> タグ
        画面キャプチャー・ファイル (.hsc)
        BMS マップ・ファイル (.bms および .bmc)
        イメージ・ファイル (.gif、.jpg、または .png)
        スタイルシート・ファイル (.css)
        スプレッドシート・ファイル (.csv または .xls)
        ホスト・シミュレーション・トレース・ファイル (.hhs)
        Web Express ログオン構成ファイル (zietranswelcfg.xml)
          <credentialmapper> タグ
          <networksecurity> タグ
          <cmplugins> タグ
          <plugin> タグ
          <param> タグ
      Web Expressログオン・プラグインのサンプル
        API 資料の使用 (Javadoc)
          アプリケーションのインスタンスの 1 つのみの許可
        ZIETrans ランタイム拡張プラグイン
        Application クラス
        Host Access パースペクティブ
        ZIETrans 固有のコントロール
          ComponentRendering クラス
          DefaultRendering クラス
          MacroKey クラス
          GlobalVariableControl クラス
          HostKey クラス
          ApplicationKey クラス
          ユーザーによる SWT リスト・ウィジェット項目選択後の入力フィールドの更新
            SWT スライダー・ウィジェットのホスト入力フィールドへの結合
        他の Eclipse UI ビューとの統合
          3270 印刷ジョブの listen
      ビジネス・ロジックの 追加
        他のアプリケーションからの Java コードの組み込み
          例: 日付変換
          例: 索引付きグローバル変数に含まれている値の追加
          例: ファイルから索引付きグローバル変数へのストリング・リストの読み取り
        RCP アプリケーションのコンポーネントおよびウィジェットのプロパティー
        カスタムの作成 ホスト・コンポーネント
        カスタム ウィジェット (widget)の作成
        ZIETrans Toolkit のカスタム・コンポーネントおよびウィジェットの設定に対するサポート
      ZIETrans 双方向 API の使用
        データ変換 API
        グローバル変数 API
        BIDI OrderBean
        BIDI OrderBean メソッド
      ZIETrans Toolkit ファイル
        アプリケーション・ファイル (.hap)
          <application> タグ
          <connections> タグ
          <connection> タグ
          <eventPriority> タグ
          <event> タグ
          <classSettings> タグ
          <class> タグ
          <setting> タグ
          <textReplacement> タグ
          <replace> タグ
          <renderingSet> タグ
          <renderingItem> タグ
          <globalRules> タグ
          <rule> タグ
        接続ファイル (.hco)
          <hodconnection> タグ
          <otherParameters> タグ
          <classSettings> タグ
          <class> タグ
          <setting> タグ
          <poolsettings> タグ
          <userconfig> タグ
        画面組み合わせファイル (.evnt)
          <combinations> タグ
          <enddescription> タグ
          <navigation> タグ
          <screenUp> タグ
          <screenDown> タグ
          <keyPress> タグ
          <setCursor> タグ
        画面カスタマイズ・ファイル (.evnt)
          <event> タグ
          <actions> タグ
          <apply> タグ
          <insert> タグ
          <extract> タグ
          <set> タグ
          <execute> タグ
          <show> タグ
          <forwardtoURL> タグ
          <disconnect> タグ
          <play> タグ
          <perform> タグ
          <pause> タグ
          <sendkey> タグ
          <globalRules> タグ
          <rule> タグ
          <associatedScreens> タグ
          <screen> タグ
          <description> タグ
          <oia> タグ
          <string> タグ
          <nextEvents> タグ
          <event> タグ
          <remove> タグ
        マクロ・ファイル (.hma)
          <macro> タグ
          <associatedConnections> タグ
          <connection> タグ
          <extracts> タグ
          <extract> タグ
          <prompts> タグ
          <prompt> タグ
          <HAScript> タグ
        画面キャプチャー・ファイル (.hsc)
        BMS マップ・ファイル (.bms および .bmc)
        イメージ・ファイル (.gif、.jpg、または .png)
        スプレッドシート・ファイル (.csv または .xls)
        ホスト・シミュレーション・トレース・ファイル (.hhs)
          以下で使用する場合の Host On-Demand マクロの適応: ZIETrans
          HCL ZIETrans でのマクロの操作
            XML エレメント
          値 null
          ストリング連結演算子 (+)
            ステージ 1
            プロセス全体の 3 ステージすべての概要
          ステージ 1: 次に処理するマクロ画面を決定する
            ステップ 1(a): 有効な次画面のリストにマクロ画面名を追加する
            ステップ 1(b): 画面認識
            ステップ 1(c): 候補のマクロ画面の名前を、有効な次画面のリストから除去する
          ステージ 2: 選択された候補を新しい現行マクロ画面にする
          ステージ 3: 新しい現行マクロ画面のアクションを実行する
              Invertmatch 属性
              optional 属性
            uselogic 属性
            OIA 記述子 (<oia> エレメント)
            「フィールド数」記述子 (<numfields> エレメント)
            「入力フィールド数」記述子 (<numinputfields> エレメント)
            ストリング記述子 (<string> エレメント)
              マクロ・ランタイムが長方形域を検索する方法 (Wrap 属性)
              同じ <description> エレメント内の複数のストリング記述子
            カーソル記述子 (<cursor> エレメント)
            属性記述子 (<attrib> エレメント)
            条件記述子 (<condition> エレメント)
            カスタム記述子 (<customreco> エレメント)
          変数更新アクション (<varupdate> エレメント)
            uselogic 属性を使用した変数更新
            <HAScript> エレメントの timeout 属性
            <nextscreens> エレメントの timeout 属性
            通信待機アクション (<commwait> エレメント)
            条件アクション (<if> エレメントおよび <else> エレメント)
            抽出アクション (<extract> エレメント)
              unwrap 属性
                unwrap が true で continuous が false の場合
                unwrap が true で continuous が true の場合
            入力アクション (<input> エレメント)
              ホスト・アクション・キーの変換 (xlatehostkeys 属性)
              入力の末尾へカーソルを移動 (movecursor 属性)
              encrypted 属性
                「暗号化ストリング」(VME) または「パスワード」(AME) チェック・ ボックスの使用方法
            マウス・クリック・アクション (<mouseclick> エレメント)
            休止アクション (<pause> エレメント)
            実行アクション (<perform> エレメント)
            PlayMacro アクション (<playmacro> エレメント)
              PlayMacro アクションの追加
            プロンプト・アクション (<prompt> エレメント)
              promptall 属性
            SQLQuery アクション (<sqlquery> エレメント)
            トレース・アクション (<trace> エレメント)
            変数更新アクション (<varupdate> エレメント)
            HCL ZIETrans マクロ処理エンジンがこれらのタイミング・エレメントと属性を使用する方法
            pausetime 属性
            pause 属性
              原因: 非拡張 TN3270 プロトコル
                TN3270E のコンテンション解消機能の使用
        変数とインポートした Java クラス
          HCL ZIETrans 変数
            Java クラスのインポート済みタイプの作成
            Java ライブラリーまたはクラスの配置
                標準タイプの変数に Java オブジェクトを書き込む
          Java メソッドの呼び出し
          Macro Utility Libraries (HML ライブラリー)
            HML ライブラリーに属するメソッドの呼び出し
            HML で始まる変数名は予約済み
            FormatNumberToString() および FormatStringToNumber()
        Visual Macro Editor
            Evaluate (If) アクション
          VME の設定の操作
            「画面」 タブ
                「フィールド数および OIA」記述子
                別々の独立した 3 つの記述子を 1 つの記述子として提示する方法
                「OIA が禁止解除になるのを待つ」記述子
                新規ストリング記述子における '*' ストリング
            「変数 (Variables)」タブ
              Java クラスのインポート済みタイプの作成
              条件が真 (<if> エレメント)
              条件が偽 (<else> エレメント)
                データ平面として TEXT_PLANE を指定する
            Playmacro アクション
            SQLQuery アクション
              SQL ウィザードの使用
                データベース URL
                ドライバー ID とドライバー・クラス
                ユーザー ID とパスワード
                データをマクロ変数 ($HMLSQLUtil$) に保管
              SQLQuery アクションを双方向言語で使用
      Host On-Demand マクロ言語
            Host On-Demand マクロ言語の XML 構文
          <trace> エレメントを使用したマクロ・スクリプトのデバッグ
            XML 要件
          <actions> エレメント
            XML サンプル
          <attrib> エレメント
            XML サンプル
          <comment> エレメント
            XML サンプル
          <commwait> エレメント
            XML サンプル
          <condition> エレメント
            XML サンプル
          <create> エレメント
            XML サンプル
          <cursor> エレメント
            XML サンプル
          <custom> エレメント
            XML サンプル
          <customreco> エレメント
            XML サンプル
          <description> エレメント
            XML サンプル
          <else> エレメント
            XML サンプル
          <extract> エレメント
            XML サンプル
          <HAScript> エレメント
            XML サンプル
          <if> エレメント
            XML サンプル
          <import> エレメント
            XML サンプル
          <input> エレメント
            XML サンプル
          <mouseclick> エレメント
            XML サンプル
          <nextscreen> エレメント
            XML サンプル
          <nextscreens> エレメント
            XML サンプル
          <numfields> エレメント
            XML サンプル
          <numinputfields> エレメント
            XML サンプル
          <oia> エレメント
            XML サンプル
          <pause> エレメント
            XML サンプル
          <perform> エレメント
            XML サンプル
          <playmacro> エレメント
            XML サンプル
          <prompt> エレメント
            XML サンプル
          <recolimit> エレメント
            XML サンプル
          <screen> エレメント
            XML サンプル
          <sqlquery> エレメント
            XML サンプル
          <string> エレメント
            XML サンプル
          <trace> エレメント
            XML サンプル
          <type> エレメント
            XML サンプル
          <vars> エレメント
            XML サンプル
          <varupdate> エレメント
            XML サンプル
        1 つのマクロ画面における複数の記述子のデフォルト規則
        次を検索します。 HCL の資料
  HCL Z and I Emulator for Transformation (英語)
      README バージョン 2.0
      README バージョン 1.0
      Flexera を使用した HCL Z and I Emulator for Transformation の構成
      ZIETrans プロジェクトの Flexera ライセンス統合
        ZIETrans でのランタイム・ライセンスの有効化
          Flexera ランタイム・プロパティー・ファイル・パラメーター:
        ZIETrans のライセンスの仕組み
      概要 Z and I Emulator for Transformation
        ZIETrans とは
        ZIETrans 3270 の例
        ZIETrans 5250 の例
          臨時の Web 開発者
          高度な Web 開発者
          ZIETrans 管理者
          ZIETrans を使用するときのアクセシビリティー
        ZIETrans に関する情報の検索場所
      ZIETrans のインストール
        ZIETrans Toolkit のインストール
        ZIETrans Toolkit インストールの更新
        ZIETrans Toolkit のアンインストール
      ZIETrans プロジェクトの Flexera ライセンス統合
        ZIETrans でのランタイム・ライセンスの有効化
          Flexera ランタイム・プロパティー・ファイル・パラメーター:
        ZIETrans のライセンスの仕組み
      基本 ZIETrans プロジェクトの作成
        Eclipse 環境の概要
        ZIETrans Toolkit およびパースペクティブの開始
        ZIETrans ようこそページの紹介
        ZIETrans 機能の開始
          ZIETrans アイコンの使用
          ZIETrans のヒント
        ZIETrans プロジェクトの開発
          ZIETrans プロジェクトの作成
            Web プロジェクトのテスト・モード
            Web プロジェクトのテスト
      ZIETrans プロジェクトのカスタマイズ
        ZIETrans アプリケーションが機能する仕組みについて
          ZIETrans リソースについて
        画面イベント での作業
          ZIETrans における変換の機能
          ファンクション・キー (PF キー) の表示
          統合オブジェクトおよび EJB プロジェクトの作成
          ワークステーション ID の指定
          拡張非プログラマブル端末ユーザー・インターフェース (ENPTUI) の使用可能化
          5250 HTML DDS キーワード・サポート (Web のみ)
      ZIETrans プロジェクトをアプリケーションとして使用するための準備
        ZIETrans Web アプリケーションのデプロイ
        ZIETrans リッチ・クライアント・アプリケーションのデプロイ
          プロジェクトを Eclipse フィーチャーとしてエクスポート
          ZIETrans ランタイム・フィーチャーのエクスポート
            Eclipse RCP
      Z and I Emulator for Transformation (ZIETrans) の使用
        ZIETrans の主要概念とオブジェクト
        ZIETrans アプリケーション処理の概要の理解
        ZIETrans アプリケーション開発の概要の理解
        使用している ZIETrans バージョンを確認する方法
        ZIETrans に関する情報の検索場所
      ZIETrans Web アプリケーションの開発およびデプロイ
        ZIETrans Web アプリケーションの編成
          ZIETrans Web プロジェクトを別の .ear ファイルに移動させる
        ZIETrans プロジェクトのバックアップ
        ZIETrans Web プロジェクトのエクスポートとインポート
          Web プロジェクトのエクスポート
          Web プロジェクトのインポート
        ZIETrans Web アプリケーションのデプロイ
          ZIETrans ランタイムの使用可能化
          プロジェクトを Java EE アプリケーションとしてエクスポート
            クラスター環境での ZIETrans アプリケーションの構成
            プロキシー・サーバーを使用するための ZIETrans アプリケーションの構成
        Oracle WebLogic Server 用の ZIETrans アプリケーションの開発
          WebLogic サーバーのインストールおよび構成
          WebLogic サーバーに関する考慮事項および制限
        WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile 用の ZIETrans アプリケーションの開発
          WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile に関する考慮事項および制限
        JBoss EAP Server 用の ZIETrans アプリケーションの開発
          JBoss EAP のインストールおよび構成
          JBoss サーバーに関する考慮事項および制約事項
        モバイル装置用の ZIETrans アプリケーションの作成
          iPad デバイスに関する考慮事項および制限
          Android デバイスに関する考慮事項および制限
      ZIETrans リッチ・クライアント・アプリケーションの開発とデプロイ
        ZIETrans リッチ・クライアント・アプリケーションの開発
        ZIETrans RCP ランタイム拡張プロジェクト
        ZIETrans リッチ・クライアント・プロジェクトの処理
          Web プロジェクトとリッチ・クライアント・プロジェクトの間でのリソースのコピー
          ZIETrans リッチ・クライアント・プロジェクトのエクスポートとインポート
        ZIETrans リッチ・クライアント・アプリケーションのテスト
          デフォルト JRE の設定
            Eclipse RCP
            Eclipse RCP
        ZIETrans リッチ・クライアント・アプリケーションのデプロイ
          配布用の Eclipse クライアント環境のパッケージ化
          既存の Eclipse クライアント (Eclipse RCP) 用のパッケージ化
            プロジェクトを Eclipse フィーチャーとしてエクスポート
            ZIETrans ランタイム・フィーチャーのエクスポート
              Eclipse RCP
        ZIETrans リッチ・クライアント・アプリケーションの管理
            OIA 状況域
          ワークステーション ID のプロンプト表示
          LU 名のプロンプト表示
        ZIETrans リッチ・クライアントの考慮事項と制限
      ZIETrans プロジェクトの変更
              HTML テーブル
            新規 ZIETrans プロジェクトでデフォルトのレンダリング・カスタマイズを使用可能にする方法
          ツールバー (RCP のみ)
            disconnectOnClose パラメーター
          非同期更新 (RCP のみ)
          自動切断および最新表示(Web のみ)
            クライアント・プル (AJAX) メソッドの使用
              クライアント・プル (AJAX) の設定
            サーバー・プッシュ (アプレット) メソッドの使用
              サーバー・プッシュ (アプレット) の設定
        ZIETrans プリファレンスの使用
        その他の Eclipse プリファレンスの使用
            3270E 接続の印刷設定
            5250 および 5250W 接続の印刷設定
          レンダリング (画面組み合わせのみ)
          ナビゲーション (画面組み合わせのみ)
          終了画面 (画面組み合わせのみ)
            「URL または SWT コンポジットを表示」アクション (RCP のみ)
            「URL を表示」アクション (Web のみ)
            「URL に転送」アクション(Web のみ)
        BMS マップ・セットのインポート
          Web プロジェクトの変換の編集
          ホスト・コンポーネントを編集(Web のみ)
          デフォルト・レンダリングを編集(Web のみ)
          タブ付きフォルダーを挿入 (Web のみ)
          オペレーター情報域を挿入(Web のみ)
            デフォルト・キーパッド(Web のみ)
            カスタム・キーパッド(Web のみ)
            デフォルト・キーパッド(Web のみ)
            カスタム・キーパッド(Web のみ)
          すべてのホスト・コンポーネントを挿入(Web のみ)
          格納済み画面を挿入(Web のみ)
            スクロール・バー・フィールド (ENPTUI)
            選択フィールド (ENPTUI)
          HTML DDS キーワード(Web のみ)
          ライト・ペン (アテンション)
          ライト・ペン (選択)
          テーブル (フィールド)
          テーブル (可視)
          カレンダー (Web のみ)
          コンボ (RCP のみ)
          ドロップダウン (データ入力)
          ドロップダウン (選択)
          グラフ (水平棒、折れ線、垂直棒)
          リンク (項目選択)
          ラジオ・ボタン (データ入力)
          ラジオ・ボタン (項目選択)
          ラジオ・ボタン (選択)
          スクロール・バー (ENPTUI)
          サブファイル (チェック・ボックス)
          サブファイル (ドロップダウン)
          サブファイル (ポップアップ)
          ツールバー (RCP のみ)
          Web プロジェクトのテンプレートの編集
              ZIETrans スタイル・シート
              Host Terminal
        統合オブジェクトからの Web ページのビルド
          モデル 1 Web ページの作成
          Struts Web ページの作成
          JSF Web ページの作成
        BasicIOErrorPage.jsp および AdvancedIOErrorPage.jsp
        JSP での統合オブジェクトの使用
          ZIETrans アプリケーションへの転送の挿入
        3270 ホストでのホスト印刷セッションの構成
          3270E 接続の場合
            Host On-Demand PDT コンパイラーの使用
          5250 接続の場合
          特殊な 5250 フィールド・キーのサポート
        ZIETrans アプリケーションでのキーボードの再マップ
          ZIETrans キーを再マップする前に理解しておくべき概念
          ZIETrans Web アプリケーションのキーの再マップ
          ZIETrans リッチ・クライアント・アプリケーションのキーの再マップ
            ZIETrans で使用されている計画の判断
      ZIETrans 管理コンソールの使用
        ZIETrans 管理コンソールおよび WebSphere セキュリティー
        ZIETrans 管理コンソールの役割
        ZIETrans 管理コンソールの開始
          ZIETrans Toolkit での管理コンソールの開始
        ZIETrans 管理コンソールの機能の使用
      セキュリティーおよび Web Expressログオン
        SSL セキュリティーの有効化
        SSH セキュリティーの使用可能化
        Web Expressログオン (WEL) の使用
          WEL ログオン・マクロの作成方法
          Credential Mapper プラグイン
            Credential Mapper の選択
            DCAS/RACF/JDBC Credential Mapper プラグインの DCAS パラメーター
            証明書ベースの DCAS/RACF Credential Mapper プラグインの DCAS パラメーター
            JDBC ボールト Credential Mapper プラグインのボールト・パラメーター
          SSL 鍵ストア・ファイルの作成 (DCAS のみ)
        Java 2 セキュリティ
        5250 Unicode サポート
        コード・ページ 937 のアクセント付き文字の使用
        コード・ページ 1388 の使用 (GB18030)
        コード・ページ 1390 および 1399 のホスト・コード・マッピング
          JIS2004 サポート
            JIS2004 サポートの考慮事項と制限
            3270E セッション向け PDT 印刷および Print-to-File のための JIS2004 サポート
            コード・ページ 1390 および 1399 用の JIS2004 サポートの無効化
      2 バイト文字セットのサポート
        DBCS および SBCS フィールドのサポート
        Input Method Editor (IME)
        AutoIME 切り替え
            DBCS 最大長の除去
            [その他] タブ
              上書きモード (初期)
            SBCS での最大長の除去
            Adobe PDF モードでの UDC の印刷
            PDT モードでの UDC の印刷
        Host On-Demand トレース
      ZIETrans 画面確定の参照
        OIA フラグの取得待ち
        ZIETrans で使用されている計画の判断
        コンテンション解消 (TN3270E のみ)
          z/OS Communications Server を使用する場合のコンテンション解消
          他の Communications Server を使用する場合のコンテンション解消
        関連する ZIETrans 設定
        ZIETrans 画面確定の調整
    Web アプリケーション・プログラマーズ・ガイド
        API 資料の使用 (Javadoc)
      ビジネス・ロジックの 追加
        他のアプリケーションからの Java コードの組み込み
          例: 日付変換
          例: 索引付きグローバル変数に含まれている値の追加
          例: ファイルから索引付きグローバル変数へのストリング・リストの読み取り
          例: 統合オブジェクトの呼び出し
        javax.servlet クラスへのアクセス
        ZIETrans のコンポーネント・タグおよび属性
        カスタムの作成 ホスト・コンポーネント
        カスタム HTML ウィジェット (widget)の作成
        ZIETrans Toolkit のカスタム・コンポーネントおよびウィジェットの設定に対するサポート
        Java クラス階層 (統合オブジェクト)
        統合オブジェクト出力への XML スタイル・シート処理の適用
          getHPubXMLProperties() メソッドによって戻される XML データの DTD
            getHPubXMLProperties() メソッドを使用する XML データ
          getHPubXMLProperties (HPubConvertToTableFormat.xsl) メソッドによって戻される XML データの DTD
            HPubConvertToTableFormat スタイル・シートを適用した XML データ
      Web サービスの開発
        従来の (WSDL ベースの) Web サービスを作成
          統合オブジェクトからのボトムアップ Web サービスの作成
          Web Services Explorer による Web サービスのテスト
          Web サービス・クライアントの作成
          統合オブジェクトを含むトップダウン Web サービスの作成
          Web サービスの統合オブジェクトを使用したプログラミング
            統合オブジェクトと Web サービスのチェーニング
            Web サービスを使用した EJB アクセス Bean チェーン
            Web サービスのチェーニングに関する特別な考慮事項
          更新、Web サービスの
          JAX-WS ランタイムの Web サービスの考慮事項および制限
        RESTful Web サービスの作成
          RESTful サービスの JAX-RS リソースの作成
          RESTful サービスの JAX-RS リソースの更新
          RESTful サービスの JAX-RS リソース・メソッドのカスタマイズ
          HTTP 状況コード
          JAX-RS RESTful サービスの考慮事項および制限事項
      ZIETrans EJB アプリケーションの作成と使用
        ZIETrans EJB プロジェクトの作成
          リポジトリーへの ZIETrans EJB プロジェクトの保管
          EJB Access Beans の自動作成
        EJB Access Beans のプログラミング
          EJB Access Bean メソッドの使用
            EJB Access Bean のチェーニング
              Web コンテナーでの EJB Access Bean のチェーニング
              Web コンテナー外での EJB Access Bean のチェーニング
          Java アプリケーション・クライアントでの EJB Access Bean の使用
            クラスター化環境での EJB アプリケーション・クライアントの実行
      統合オブジェクト - 高度なトピック
        統合オブジェクト Java コードのカスタマイズ
        Java コード・テンプレートの変更
        WebSphereJava EE アプリケーションでの統合オブジェクトの使用
          Web コンテナーでの統合オブジェクトの使用 (カスタム・サーブレットまたは JSP)
          EJB コンテナーでの統合オブジェクトの使用 (独自の EJB から)
        接続管理 API
      Web 高速ログオン のプラグインの作成
        Web 高速ログオン のカスタム・プラグインの作成
          Web 高速ログオン プラグイン・インターフェース
          サンプル Web 高速ログオン プラグイン
          DCAS API オブジェクト
      ZIETrans 双方向 API の使用
        データ変換 API
        グローバル変数 API
        BIDI OrderBean
        BIDI OrderBean メソッド
      ZIETrans Toolkit ファイル
        アプリケーション・ファイル (.hap)
          <application> タグ
          <connections> タグ
          <connection> タグ
          <eventPriority> タグ
          <event> タグ
          <classSettings> タグ
          <class> タグ
          <setting> タグ
          <textReplacement> タグ
          <replace> タグ
          <renderingSet> タグ
          <renderingItem> タグ
          <globalRules> タグ
          <rule> タグ
        接続ファイル (.hco)
          <hodconnection> タグ
          <otherParameters> タグ
          <classSettings> タグ
          <class> タグ
          <setting> タグ
          <poolsettings> タグ
          <webexpresslogon> タグ
          <userconfig> タグ
        テンプレート・ファイルと変換ファイル (.jsp)
        画面組み合わせファイル (.evnt)
          <combinations> タグ
          <enddescription> タグ
          <navigation> タグ
          <screenUp> タグ
          <screenDown> タグ
          <keyPress> タグ
          <setCursor> タグ
        画面カスタマイズ・ファイル (.evnt)
          <event> タグ
          <actions> タグ
          <apply> タグ
          <insert> タグ
          <extract> タグ
          <set> タグ
          <execute> タグ
          <show> タグ
          <forwardtoURL> タグ
          <disconnect> タグ
          <play> タグ
          <perform> タグ
          <pause> タグ
          <sendkey> タグ
          <globalRules> タグ
          <rule> タグ
          <associatedScreens> タグ
          <screen> タグ
          <description> タグ
          <oia> タグ
          <string> タグ
          <nextEvents> タグ
          <event> タグ
          <remove> タグ
        マクロ・ファイル (.hma)
          <macro> タグ
          <associatedConnections> タグ
          <connection> タグ
          <extracts> タグ
          <extract> タグ
          <prompts> タグ
          <prompt> タグ
          <HAScript> タグ
        画面キャプチャー・ファイル (.hsc)
        BMS マップ・ファイル (.bms および .bmc)
        イメージ・ファイル (.gif、.jpg、または .png)
        スタイルシート・ファイル (.css)
        スプレッドシート・ファイル (.csv または .xls)
        ホスト・シミュレーション・トレース・ファイル (.hhs)
        Web Express ログオン構成ファイル (zietranswelcfg.xml)
          <credentialmapper> タグ
          <networksecurity> タグ
          <cmplugins> タグ
          <plugin> タグ
          <param> タグ
      Web Expressログオン・プラグインのサンプル
        API 資料の使用 (Javadoc)
          アプリケーションのインスタンスの 1 つのみの許可
        ZIETrans ランタイム拡張プラグイン
        Application クラス
        Host Access パースペクティブ
        ZIETrans 固有のコントロール
          ComponentRendering クラス
          DefaultRendering クラス
          MacroKey クラス
          GlobalVariableControl クラス
          HostKey クラス
          ApplicationKey クラス
          ユーザーによる SWT リスト・ウィジェット項目選択後の入力フィールドの更新
            SWT スライダー・ウィジェットのホスト入力フィールドへの結合
        他の Eclipse UI ビューとの統合
          3270 印刷ジョブの listen
      ビジネス・ロジックの 追加
        他のアプリケーションからの Java コードの組み込み
          例: 日付変換
          例: 索引付きグローバル変数に含まれている値の追加
          例: ファイルから索引付きグローバル変数へのストリング・リストの読み取り
        RCP アプリケーションのコンポーネントおよびウィジェットのプロパティー
        カスタムの作成 ホスト・コンポーネント
        カスタム ウィジェット (widget)の作成
        ZIETrans Toolkit のカスタム・コンポーネントおよびウィジェットの設定に対するサポート
      ZIETrans 双方向 API の使用
        データ変換 API
        グローバル変数 API
        BIDI OrderBean
        BIDI OrderBean メソッド
      ZIETrans Toolkit ファイル
        アプリケーション・ファイル (.hap)
          <application> タグ
          <connections> タグ
          <connection> タグ
          <eventPriority> タグ
          <event> タグ
          <classSettings> タグ
          <class> タグ
          <setting> タグ
          <textReplacement> タグ
          <replace> タグ
          <renderingSet> タグ
          <renderingItem> タグ
          <globalRules> タグ
          <rule> タグ
        接続ファイル (.hco)
          <hodconnection> タグ
          <otherParameters> タグ
          <classSettings> タグ
          <class> タグ
          <setting> タグ
          <poolsettings> タグ
          <userconfig> タグ
        画面組み合わせファイル (.evnt)
          <combinations> タグ
          <enddescription> タグ
          <navigation> タグ
          <screenUp> タグ
          <screenDown> タグ
          <keyPress> タグ
          <setCursor> タグ
        画面カスタマイズ・ファイル (.evnt)
          <event> タグ
          <actions> タグ
          <apply> タグ
          <insert> タグ
          <extract> タグ
          <set> タグ
          <execute> タグ
          <show> タグ
          <forwardtoURL> タグ
          <disconnect> タグ
          <play> タグ
          <perform> タグ
          <pause> タグ
          <sendkey> タグ
          <globalRules> タグ
          <rule> タグ
          <associatedScreens> タグ
          <screen> タグ
          <description> タグ
          <oia> タグ
          <string> タグ
          <nextEvents> タグ
          <event> タグ
          <remove> タグ
        マクロ・ファイル (.hma)
          <macro> タグ
          <associatedConnections> タグ
          <connection> タグ
          <extracts> タグ
          <extract> タグ
          <prompts> タグ
          <prompt> タグ
          <HAScript> タグ
        画面キャプチャー・ファイル (.hsc)
        BMS マップ・ファイル (.bms および .bmc)
        イメージ・ファイル (.gif、.jpg、または .png)
        スプレッドシート・ファイル (.csv または .xls)
        ホスト・シミュレーション・トレース・ファイル (.hhs)
          以下で使用する場合の Host On-Demand マクロの適応: ZIETrans
          HCL ZIETrans でのマクロの操作
            XML エレメント