Flexera Runtime properties file parameters:

The following 3 Flexera runtime properties need to be configured for obtaining licenses for ZIETrans projects:
  1. flx_ServerURL.
  2. flx_BorrowInterval
  3. flx_PrivateKey_Absolute_Path
  • flx_ServerURL :

    This parameter contains the URL of the Flexera license server. HCL ZIETrans users may configure an on-premises server or they may use HCL’s Flexera Cloud. The server URL, in either of this case, must be configured for this parameter.

    If the user does not set a value for this parameter, an empty value is assigned, by default.

    Syntax for this parameter is as follows:

    • For ZIETrans Web Projects:
      https\://[license server host URL]/api/1.0/instances/[license server ID] 
    • For ZIETrans RCP Projects:
      https\://[license server host URL]/instances/[license server ID]/request 
    Note: Special characters in the properties file should be prefixed with a backward slash (\).
  • flx_PrivateKey_Absolute_Path :

    This parameter contains the absolute path of the license server private key in the .pem file and pkcs8 format.

    Note: This parameter is not applicable to ZIETrans RCP applications.
    If the user does not set a value for this parameter, by default, an empty value is assigned at first, before deployment, since the user.home of the runtime is unknown initially. After deployment, if no value is found for this parameter, the PrivateKey.pem file is searched in the system’s User home, i.e, the default path is assigned at runtime as:
    For example:
    flx_PrivateKey_Absolute_Path = C\:\Users\ZIETrans_Administrator/PrivateKey.pem
    Note: Special characters in the properties file should be prefixed with a backward slash (\).
  • flx_BorrowInterval :

    This parameter contains a numeric value followed by a unit-suffix letter, for example, flx_BorrowInterval value of 10h denotes 10 hours. The valid values for the unit-suffix letter for this parameter are: s, m, h, d and w (that indicates seconds, minutes, hours, days and weeks resectively).

    If the user does not set a value for this parameter, the default value is set to 30 minutes.
    Note: If the current frequency causes too many re-issue requests in a session’s life time, the user may consider increasing this value.

    If an invalid value is given for this runtime parameter, the incorrect value is ignored at runtime, and the default value (30 mins) is picked up instead.

    For more information on runtime properties files, see Runtime properties files.