Stage 3: Performing the actions in the new current macro screen

In stage 3, the macro runtime performs the actions in the new current macro screen's <actions> element. If the new current macro screen does not contain an <actions> element or if the <actions> element is empty, then the macro runtime skips this stage.

Each macro screen typically contains an <actions> element that contains one or more actions to be performed. An action is an instruction that causes some type of activity, such as sending a sequence of keys to the host, displaying a prompt in a popup window for the user, capturing a block of text from the screen, or some other activity.

In the example scenario, Screen2 contains only one action:
  • Type 4 followed by the enter key.
Screen2 does not need an action to position the text cursor in the correct input field because the Utility Selection Panel automatically positions the text cursor there.

If the <actions> element contains multiple actions, the macro run time performs each macro action in turn in the order in which it occurs in the <actions> element.

For more information on actions see Macro actions.