Introducing advanced macros
As a developer using Z and I Emulator for Transformation (ZIETrans) Toolkit, you can incorporate macros into your ZIETrans application. The Macros and host terminal introduces the use of macros in ZIETrans and describes how to create and modify basic macros. This document describes advanced macro functions that you can incorporate into your macro by using the Visual Macro Editor (VME) and the Advanced Macro Editor (AME). These tools provide graphical user interfaces that you can use to modify or add features to each screen interaction with the host application.
Use these editors to make any of these changes
to your ZIETrans macros:
- Add actions, such as new prompts, mouse clicks, or conditional actions.
- Edit and enhance the macro's screen recognition behavior and user input.
- Add more intelligent behavior to the macro, such as choosing between alternate paths through an application.