EJB Access Bean chaining in a Web container

When EJB Access Beans are used in a Web module with the doHPTransaction method, the EJB Access Bean saves the values of the hPubAccessHandle and hPubLinkKey properties in the HttpSessionObject that is associated with the client session. The properties are retrieved by subsequent EJB Access Beans during processing of the Integration Object chain.

The EJB Access Bean for the first Integration Object in a chain creates an instance of the ZIETrans EJB. That instance is used for all EJB Access Beans for the subsequent Integration Objects in the chain. After the processing of the EJB Access Bean for the last Integration Object in a chain, the ZIETrans EJB instance corresponding to that Integration Object chain is removed. Thus, when using the doHPTransaction method in a Web module with EJB Access Beans, chaining is managed within the EJB Access Bean.