BIDI OrderBean methods

public void setBidiString (String BdString)

Sets the bidirectional text to be reordered to the given string. The only parameter is BdString, which is the bidirectional string that needs reordering.

public String getBidiString ()

Gets the bidirectional text. Returns the bidirectional string that needs reordering.

public void setFromTextVisual (boolean on)

Sets the source bidirectional text type as visual. The only parameter is on. If true, defines this source bidirectional text as visual. If false, defines this source bidirectional text as implicit.

public void setfromOriLTR (boolean on)

Sets the source bidirectional text orientation as LTR. The only parameter is on. If true, defines this source bidirectional text as LTR. If false, defines this source bidirectional text as RTL.

public void setToTextVisual (boolean on)

Sets the target bidirectional text type as visual. The only parameter is on. If true, defines this target bidirectional text as visual. If false, defines this target bidirectional text as implicit.

public void setToOriLTR (boolean on)

Sets the target bidirectional text orientation as LTR. The only parameter is on. If true, defines this target bidirectional text as LTR. If false, defines this target bidirectional text as RTL.

public void setEncoding (String CharSet)

Sets the encoding character set. The only parameter is CharSet, which is a character-encoding name.

public void setNeedShape (boolean on)

Sets the need to perform shaping. The only parameter is on. If true, indicates the need to perform shaping on the bidirectional text.

public void Order ()

Performs the ordering of the bidirectional text. There are no parameters.

public String CompressLamAlef(String input,boolean direction)
Returns a string in which a Lam character followed by an Alef character is replaced by one LamAlef character. Parameters are:
  • Direction. If true, indicates input text is in visual form. If false, input text is in implicit form.
  • Input. An input string containing LamAlef characters to be compressed.
public String ExpandLamAlef(String input,boolean direction)
Returns a string in which a Lam Alef character is replaced by a Lam followed by one Alef character. Parameters are:
  • Direction. If true, indicates input text is in visual form. If false, input text is in implicit form.
  • Input. An input string containing LamAlef characters to be expanded.
public void setNumerals(String NumShape)
Sets the numerals shape of the output buffer. The only parameter is:
  • NumShape. A string that takes one of three values:
    • NOMINAL. Numerals are in Latin format.
    • CONTEXTUAL. Numerals follow numbers.
    • NATIONAL. Numerals are in National format.
  • Input. An input string containing LamAlef characters to be expanded.
public void setSymSwap (boolean on)

Sets the Symmetric swapping option with Visual RTL orientation. The only parameter is on. If true, symmetric swapping is enabled for swapping characters in RTL screens. If false (the default), symmetric swapping is disabled for swapping characters in RTL screens.

public String ShapeArabicData(String strInBuffer,boolean isLTRVisual, boolean EnableNumSwap)
Returns a string in which Arabic data is shaped. Parameters are:
  • strInBuffer. The bidirectional string that needs shaping.
  • isLTRVisual. An input string containing LamAlef characters to be expanded. If true, bidirectional string is left to right visual. If false, bidirectional string is right to left visual.
  • EnableNumSwap. If true, enable Numeric swapping. If false, disable numeric swapping.
public String DeshapeArabicData (String strInBuffer,boolean isLTRVisual,boolean EnableNumSwap)
Returns a string in which Arabic data is deshaped. Parameters are:
  • strInBuffer. The bidirectional string that needs deshaping.
  • isLTRVisual. If true, bidirectional string is left to right visual. If false, bidirectional string is right to left visual.
  • EnableNumSwap. If true, enable numeric swapping. If false, disable numeric swapping.
public java.lang.String ConvertLogicalToVisual(java.lang.String inputBuffer, boolean isLTRimplicit, boolean isLTRVisual)
Converts the given string from implicit to visual format and returns the visual format of the string. Parameters are:
  • InputBuffer. The input string in implicit format.
  • isLTRimplicit. If true, inputBuffer is in implicit left-to-right form.
  • isLTRVisual. If true, the output buffer is in visual left-to-right form.
public java.lang.String ConvertVisualToLogical(java.lang.String inputBuffer, boolean isLTRVisual, boolean isLTRimplicit)
Converts the given string from visual to implicit format and returns the implicit format of the string. Parameters are:
  • InputBuffer. The input string in visual format.
  • isLTRimplicit. If true, the output buffer is in implicit left-to-right form.
  • isLTRVisual. If true, inputBuffer is in visual left-to-right form.