<set> tag

Defines the action for setting a global variable. The attributes of the <set> tag are:

Indicates whether this action is enabled for use. The default is true.
Specifies the name of the global variable being set. This can be an existing global variable or a new global variable.
Specifies whether the global variable being set is shared between all the applications in the same EAR file.
Specifies whether the value of the global variable being set comes from a fixed constant or a calculated value. Valid values are string and calculate.
Specifies the value being assigned to the global variable.
Specifies whether the value being set is to overwrite the value of an existing global variable. Valid values are true and false.
If the value being set is being written to an existing indexed global variable, this attribute specifies the index number to which the value being set is written. The effect of this attribute is dependent on the value of the overwrite attribute. If overwrite=true, the value being set overwrites the existing variable, beginning at the specified index. If overwrite=false, the value being set is inserted into the existing variable, beginning at the specified index.
Specifies whether the first operand of a calculated value is a fixed constant or the value of an existing global variable. Valid values are a fixed constant or the name of a global variable.
Specifies whether the value of the first operand of a calculated value is set as a fixed constant or from an existing global variable. Valid values are string and variable.
If the source of the value of the first operand of a calculated value is an indexed global variable, op1_index specifies the number of the index used as the value for the calculation.
If the value of op1 is a global variable, shared specifies whether this global variable is shared between all the applications in the same EAR file.
Specifies the type of operation to occur between the first and second operands of a calculated value. Valid values are concatenate, + (add), - (subtract), * (multiply), / (divide), and % (modulo).
Specifies whether the second operand of a calculated value is a fixed constant or the value of an existing global variable. Valid values are a fixed constant or the name of a global variable.
Specifies whether the value of the second operand of a calculated value is set as a fixed constant or from an existing global variable. Valid values are string and variable.
If the source of the value of the second operand of a calculated value is an indexed global variable, op2_index specifies the number of the index used as the value for the calculation.
If the value of op2 is a global variable, shared specifies whether this global variable is shared between all the applications in the same EAR file.
Specifies the number of decimal places to which a calculated value is rounded. Valid values are 0–999.