<prompt> tag

The <prompt> tag defines the prompt to occur. The attributes of the <prompt> tag are:

Specifies the name of the prompt.
You can select a .jsp file to prompt the end user for the necessary information, and include a button for the user to submit the information. A default macro handler is shipped with ZIETrans, and it is named default.jsp. You can find this file by clicking the ZIETrans Project View tab of the ZIETrans Toolkit and expanding the project name, and expanding Macros > Macro Event Handlers. If you want to create your own handler, ensure that you return control to the ZIETrans runtime.
Specifies whether the value of the prompt is set to a string or the value of a global variable. Valid values are string and variable.
If the value of the prompt is being saved to a global variable, variableName specifies the name of a new or existing global variable.
If the value of the prompt is being saved to an indexed global variable, variableIndex specifies to which index the value should be assigned. This value is always 0.
Specifies whether the information for the prompt is coming from an indexed global variable. Valid values are true and false. True specifies that the global variable is indexed.
Specifies either the string to be used for the prompt or the name of a global variable from which the value is taken.
Specifies the application ID to use with the WEL logon macro.
Specifies whether this is a password field to use with the WEL logon macro.
Specifies whether the implicit bidirectional screen orientation is left-to-right. Valid values are true and false.
Specifies whether the connection used in recording the macro is bidirectional. Valid values are true and false.
Specifies whether the bidirectional field is right-to-left. Valid values are true and false.
Specifies whether the bidirectional screen is right-to-left. Valid values are true and false.
Specifies the orientation of the prompt action. Valid values are ltr and rtl.