Customizing the application keypad

The application keypad can be customized at the transformation-level by overriding the getApplicationKeypadDisplayInfo() method of the transformation and returning an object of type IApplicationKeypadDisplayInfo.

The following code sample shows how the getApplicationKeypadDisplayInfo() method can be overwritten to expose "Page down" and "Page up" to the application keypad when this transformation is applied:
public IApplicationKeypadDisplayInfo getApplicationKeypadDisplayInfo() {
 // Define the extra keys
 	KeypadKey[] extraKeys = new KeypadKey[] { 
                          new KeypadKey(ECLConstants.PAGEDWN_STR, "Page Down"), 
                          new KeypadKey(ECLConstants.PAGEUP_STR, "Page Up") };

// Construct a new ApplicationKeypadDisplayInfo object using the project-level 
// settings and the new keys
   Application app = getSessionService().getApplication();
   Properties appKeypadSettings = app.getDefaultSettings
   ApplicationKeypadDisplayInfo info = new ApplicationKeypadDisplayInfo
      (appKeypadSettings, extraKeys);

  return info;

To customize the application keypad at the application-level, the getApplicationKeypadDisplayInfo() method of your transformation view class "MainView" can be overwritten. See Transformation view for more information.