
An Eclipse WorkbenchAdvisor class is responsible for specifying the default perspective and constructing a WorkbenchWindowAdvisor object, which is in turn responsible for configuring the workbench window. An implementation of this class is provided for you in the ZIETrans RCP runtime extension plug-in. This class, HostAccessWorkbenchAdvisor, returns a new instance of an HostAccessWorkbenchWindowAdvisor object and specifies hostaccess.perspectives.main as the default perspective. This is why the Host Access perspective is displayed by default when a new workbench window is opened. If you have created a custom perspective, you can update the getInitialWindowPerspectiveId() method to return the ID of this perspective. Alternatively, you can specify the perspective when Eclipse is launched using the -perspective argument:
eclipse.exe -product -perspective myCompany.myCustomPerspective
./eclipse -product -perspective myCompany.myCustomPerspective
Note: Prior to Eclipse 3.1, the WorkbenchAdvisor class was responsible for initializing the workbench, configuring the workbench window, and creating actions for the menu bars and toolbars. These responsibilities are now divided between three classes: WindowAdvisor, WorkbenchWindowAdvisor, and ActionBarAdvisor.