Screen customization files (.evnt)

The screen customization files define how a host screen is recognized, and also defines the actions ZIETrans performs when a screen is recognized.

The screen customization (.evnt) files are stored in the project_name/profiles/events/screencustomizations directory. You can view and edit the source of the screen customization files by double-clicking on the name of the screen customization in the ZIETrans Project View to open the screen customization editor. The source for the file can be viewed by clicking on the Source tab.

You can modify screen customization files using the Screen Recognition Criteria, Actions, Text replacement, or Source tabs in the editor. ZIETrans Toolkit updates the affected information on other tabs when you make changes on any tab.

The screen customization event files contain tags to define how a host screen is recognized and the actions that will occur when the host screen is recognized.