Sample modified Integration Object template

See Sample modified Integration Object template which contains a sample Integration Object template, created by adding code to HPubTemplateHODBean.Customize.

A sample Integration Object template, created by adding code to HPubTemplateHODBean.Customize, is contained in the HTML version of this document. To view this sample, see Sample modified Integration Object template.

This sample illustrates the use of a custom screen recognition criterion, which is added to the macro within the description of the appropriate screen, to trigger the DoReco() method, which is defined in the template. DoReco() saves all the fields of the host screen in an XML string named extendedxml. A getter method, getExtendedxml(), is provided so that the value can be extracted by a JSP after the Integration Object has been executed. The changes made to the template are marked with the comment // ADDED FOR XML TABLE.

The use of a custom screen recognition criterion, or descriptor, is of particular interest because it enables you to capture the content of any screen that is encountered by the Integration Object. Integration Objects are not notified when the host screen changes or when a screen is recognized. By inserting a custom screen recognition criterion, you can work with any screen.

To invoke the code that has been added to the template, you must modify the macro from which you will build the Integration Object. Locate the screen whose information you want to capture, and add this line as the last descriptor:
<customreco id="HPubExtractFieldAttributes|" optional="false" invertmatch="false" />
Be sure to add it after the other descriptors, so that it is used only on the desired screens; otherwise you might collect data from the wrong screens. Note that the customreco ID is "HPubExtractFieldAttributes", but the line added to the macro has "HPubExtractFieldAttributes|". The bar character (|) is used as a separator for parameters and must be included here even though there are no parameters.

If the macro uses the uselogic attribute to combine descriptors, you must update the uselogic value to include the new descriptor, or it will be ignored. Here is an example of the modifications you must make to the macro. If the original screen description is:

<screen name="Screen2.2" entryscreen="true" exitscreen="true" transient="false">
        <description uselogic="1 and 2" >
            <oia status="NOTINHIBITED" optional="false" invertmatch="false" />
            <string value="Ready; T" row="1" col="1" erow="-1" ecol="-1" 
						casesense="true" optional="false" 	invertmatch="false" />
Then the screen description with the new descriptor and the modified uselogic is:
<screen name="Screen2.2" entryscreen="true" exitscreen="true" transient="false">
        <description uselogic="1 and (2 and 3)" >
            <oia status="NOTINHIBITED" optional="false" invertmatch="false" />
            <string value="Ready; T" row="1" col="1" erow="-1" ecol="-1" 
						casesense="true" optional="false" invertmatch="false" />
            <customreco id="HPubExtractFieldAttributes|" optional="false" 
						invertmatch="false" />

When the DoReco() method is called, the template checks whether it is being called to process the "HPubExtractFieldAttributes|" custom descriptor. If so, it captures the information from the screen; if not, it passes control to the parent method to perform screen recognition using one of the other descriptors. After the Integration Object completes, the calling JSP can use the getter method to obtain the XML string and then work with it.