Calendar (Web-only)

The Calendar widget is responsible for rendering an input field with an associated launcher button, link, or image. This launcher opens a pop-up calendar date picker which your users can use to select a date; this date is then inserted into the associated input field.
  1. If you are testing your project using the Web browser built in to the Eclipse, using the WebSphere® Test Environment, you may see the calendar widget come up in a browser window bigger than expected and with additional unneeded controls. This will not happen when the application is run in an external browser, or when you run a deployed application.
  2. To display the pop-up calendar and image launcher when the ZIETrans application is accessed through a proxy server, you must configure the ZIETrans application to use the proxy server. For instructions see Configuring ZIETrans applications to use a proxy server.
  3. For DBCS considerations when using this widget see SBCS eliminate maximum length.
The following figure shows how the calendar widget and its date picker appear on a transformation when the Use inline calendar setting is selected:
Figure 1. Example of calendar widget with inline date picker
Example of calendar widget with inline date picker
The following figure shows how the calendar widget and its date picker appear on a transformation when the Use inline calendar setting is cleared:
Figure 2. Example of calendar widget with windowed date picker
Example of calendar widget with windowed date picker
  1. Number of columns per row (1)
  2. Caption (from component)
  3. Launcher type (image)
    Note: The examples have no captions for the launchers because the launchers are images. If the launchers are buttons or links, the launcher captions are shown on the buttons or in the links.
The following settings can be configured for this widget:

Required. When the user selects a date from the calendar widget, the selected date must be formatted to map correctly to what is expected in the host application's input field. This setting specifies the pattern ZIETrans uses to correctly format the selected date.

When you enter a pattern and save it, the ZIETrans Toolkit performs the following conversions to ensure correct symbols are used:
  • Uppercase D to lowercase d
  • Uppercase Y to lowercase y
  • Lowercase m to uppercase M
  • Lowercase e to uppercase E
Note: The ZIETrans Toolkit always displays the pattern in uppercase characters. To see the actual case of the pattern symbols, see the pattern setting for the class in the source of the application.hap file.

You can spread the selected date over multiple consecutive host input fields by separating pattern elements with a tilde (~). For example, suppose you have the following input fields on your host screen:

Month: [ ] Day: [ ] Year: [ ]

If you specify a pattern of MM~DD~YYYY, a single launcher will be created. Once your user has selected a date, it will be spread over your three input fields: the 2-digit month will be placed in the first input field, the 2-digit day will be placed in the second input field, and the 4-digit year will be placed in the third input field.

Note: Click the Build button to use an aid to specify a pattern that spans multiple host input fields.
Pattern locale
Specifies the locale of the pattern. This setting is useful if you have entered a pattern segment which should output a day name (example: Wednesday). Options: Use server locale, Use browser locale, or Use specified locale.
If you specify Use specified locale, select the locale for which to format the date specified by the user.
Restrict earliest selectable date
If selected, the value specified will be the earliest date a user can select from the pop-up calendar.
  1. The date pattern is MM/DD/YYYY for all locales.
  2. A user is not prevented from manually entering an earlier date directly into the associated input field because of this setting.
Restrict latest selectable date
If selected, the value specified will be the latest date a user can select from the pop-up calendar.
  1. The date pattern is MM/DD/YYYY for all locales.
  2. A user is not prevented from manually entering a later date directly into the associated input field because of this setting.
Default value
Optional. This field represents the initial date selected on the pop-up calendar when the host application does not pre-fill the associated input field with a valid date between the specified restricted dates. It is also used when the user enters an incorrect date (including a date out of range) before selecting the pop-up calendar control. The interaction between this field and the associated host input field is handled as follows:
  • If the host application pre-fills the input field with zeros or an incorrect date format, the default value does not overwrite the host field data. To update the associated input field, the user must either manually enter a date, or select a date with the pop-up calendar.
  • If the default value is not specified or is in an incorrect format, today's date will be initially selected on the pop-up calendar.
  • If you want to pre-fill the associated input field, add an Insert Data action to your screen customization event before applying the transformation.
Note: The date pattern is MM/DD/YYYY for all locales.
Caption source
Specifies how the caption for the generated input field is determined. Options: From component (use the extracted caption from the component) or Custom (use the specified caption).
Custom caption
Optional. Specifies the caption for the input field.
Note: Leave this setting blank to not generate a caption for the input field.
Number of columns per row
Specifies how many instances of this widget should appear in each row in the rendered Web page.
  1. This setting is not applicable in default rendering.
  2. The widget preview does not always match the full page preview. This happens because the widget preview simply renders the component's output. It does not try to preserve the alignment of the screen when it renders, as is done in the full page preview.
Launcher type
Specifies the style of the launcher. The launcher is used to open the calendar date picker. Options Button, Link, or Image.
The caption of the launcher button or link.
Button style class
Optional. The CSS style class associated with the generated launcher button. The value of the class attribute of the HTML button tag will be set to this value. The default value is HATSBUTTON . See Using style sheets for more information.
Link style class
Optional. The CSS style class associated with the generated launcher link. The value of the class attribute of the HTML link tag will be set to this value. The default value is HATSLINK. See Using style sheets for more information.
Note: Depending on the Web browser, there may be limitations to using the Tab key to tab to this launcher if either the Link or Image style is selected.
Use inline calendar
If selected, when the calendar date picker is launched, it is displayed in the current Web page. If cleared, the date picker is displayed in a new browser window. The default for newly created projects is selected.
  1. Using the inline calendar date picker is helpful in cases where pop-up blockers prevent the display of the date picker in a new browser window.
  2. Use of the inline calendar date picker is not supported for ZIETrans applications for mobile devices.
Read only
If selected, rendered input fields are read only. A read only input field appears as a regular input field, but does not allow the user to modify its contents. This is useful in cases where you want to display the contents of a non-protected field to a user, but you do not want the user to modify the contents.
Strip underscores on input field
Select this box if you want to strip the underscores from text when it is rendered.
Trim spaces on input field
Selecting this trims leading and trailing spaces from the input field.
Enable foreground colors
If selected, host screen foreground colors are rendered.
Colors are mapped to CSS stylesheet classes representing that color. For example, if a host screen field is marked as RED, the Field widget will enclose the generated HTML for that field in a tag whose class name attribute is set to HRED. This allows for you to remap host screen colors on your generated Web page.
Note: The blacktheme.css directly maps host screen field foreground colors (for example, red text on the host screen will appear as red text on the generated Web page). However, other stylesheet files like monochrome.css, map field colors differently in an attempt to create a consistent, modern style.
Enable extended attributes
If selected, extended field attributes (blink, reverse video, underline, and column separator) are rendered. Also, for 3270 Web applications, extended field colors are mapped (see the Enable foreground colors setting for more information). See Using style sheets for more information.
Blink style
The CSS style setting you want to use to render blinking text from the host screen.
Reverse video style
The CSS style setting you want to use to render reverse video text from the host screen.
Underline style
The CSS style setting you want to use to render underlined text from the host screen.
Column separator style
The CSS style setting you want to use to render column separators from the host screen.
Input field style class
Optional. The CSS style class associated with the generated input field. The value of the class attribute of the HTML input tag will be set to this value. The default value is HATSINPUT. See Using style sheets for more information.
Caption style class
Optional. The CSS style class associated with the generated input field's caption. The default value is HATSCAPTION. See Using style sheets for more information.
Table style class
Optional. The CSS style class associated with the generated table. If more than one set of input fields is rendered, an HTML table will be generated to enclose these input fields. The value of the class attribute of the HTML table tag will be set to this value. The default value is HATSTABLE. See Using style sheets for more information.
Optional. Any CSS properties that you want to override. For example, you can specify font-color: red; font-size: 18pt; in this field to change the font color and size for this widget. The properties you enter apply to each element of this widget. Use the launcher button next to this field to open a style properties dialog. This dialog frees you from the need to understand CSS to change the font, color, or other style settings for the widget. See Using style sheets for more information.