Changing the appearance of the keypads

For ZIETrans Web projects, use the Host Keypad and Application Keypad settings on the Rendering tab of your Project Settings to define which keys to display and whether to display them as buttons or links. See Host keypad and Application keypad for more information.

To change the style of a keypad for a specific ZIETrans Web project, change the cascading style sheet (.css file) that corresponds to the keypad. This will be the style sheet you are using when you build your project. In the Eclipse workbench, go to the ZIETrans Projects view of the ZIETrans Toolkit and expand the project name. Expand Web Content/Common/Stylesheets. For more information, see Using style sheets.

To modify the style sheet, double-click on the .css file to open the editor. Keep in mind that templates can override your style sheet changes. For more information about cascading style sheets, go to

If not already defined, the style sheet can define any of the following ZIETrans styles:
Host keypad background
Application keypad background
Host keypad PF buttons
Host keypad buttons
Application keypad buttons
Host keypad links
Application keypad links