JIS2004 support for PDT printing and Print-to-File for 3270E sessions

To print JIS2004 characters:
  • For PDT printing, specify a pdfpdt file, such as ibm5577.pdfpdt, and ensure that the parameter KANJI_CODE=SHIFT_JIS is specified.
  • For Print-to-File, specify the file encoding using the parameter KANJI_CODE:
    • To save the output as a PC file, dumping the output as a PC file with a font image, set the file encoding to Shift JIS by specifying KANJI_CODE=SHIFT_JIS in the pdfpdt file. The print output is saved as a native PC file that can be used to output the file content to a physical printer.
    • To save the output as an Unicode file, dumping the output as a Unicode file with code points of surrogate pairs, set the file encoding to Unicode by specifying KANJI_CODE=UNICODE in the pdfpdt file. The print output is a UCS-2 file that can be used for further data processing or archiving purposes.
The following table shows the results of specifying different values for the KANJI_CODE session parameter with different pdfpdt files when printing data with JIS2004 characters to an output file (Print-to-File):
Table 1. KANJI_CODE session parameter summary
Session parameter in pdfpdt file ASCII text mode (basic_dbcs.pdf) Other supported printers (esc_*.pdf, ibm*.pdf, lips*.pdf, etc.)
KANJI_CODE=SHIFT_JIS Not applicable since surrogate pairs can not be stored in a native PC file. The output is saved to a native PC file and font images (binary data) for JIS2004 characters and UDA characters are stored in this file.
KANJI_CODE=UNICODE The output is saved to a Unicode file; surrogate pairs and UDA characters are stored in UCS-2. Not applicable since a PC printer does not accept Unicode data.
In addition, you should also configure the session parameters printerMimeType and printSaveAsExtension properly when printing to a file:
Table 2. Print-to-File session parameter summary
Setting Session parameter in pdfpdt file Session parameter printerMimeType in ZIETrans Session parameter printSaveAsExtension in ZIETrans Results
Setting for further printing KANJI_CODE=SHIFT_JIS application/octet-stream .bin A native PC file with binary data.
Setting for ASCII text mode KANJI_CODE=UNICODE text/plain .txt A UCS-2 file.

For more information see Defining print support for your project and Printing.