Updating plug-in and feature version numbers

Before you can update a plug-in that is already installed, you must update the plug-in's version because Eclipse uses the version to determine if a plug-in has changed. For example, if you add a screen customization or modify a macro in your project, you must update your plug-in's version before re-exporting it.

To update your plug-in's version, in the Project Settings editor for your project, on the Overview tab, click the open the plug-in manifest link. On the Overview tab, under General Information, update the version. An Eclipse version is in the form major.minor.service. When making a minor change to the project, update the service segment of the version. For example, before exporting your plug-in a second time, set your plug-in's version to 1.0.1.

Because the License Settings wizard updates the runtime extension project (com.ibm.hats.rcp.runtime.extension), after running the wizard you must update the version of this plug-in. To do this, in the Navigator view, open the plugin.xml file located at the root of the project. On the Overview tab, under General Information, update the version.

Also, because features are made up of plug-ins (and features also have versions), you must update the version of your feature whenever you update the version of one of the included plug-ins. To do this, switch to the Navigator view and open the feature.xml file located in your feature project. By default the name of your feature project is hostaccess. On the Overview tab, under General Information, update the version. In addition, ensure that your feature correctly lists the new versions of your plug-ins by clicking the Versions button on the Plug-ins tab and selecting Copy versions from plug-in and fragment manifests.

After your feature's version has been updated, you must update your site.xml file (if applicable) to ensure that it lists the new version of your feature.

Note: These steps are not required when running or debugging your application in the local test environment.