
The transformation view toolbar contains buttons for application-level actions as well as buttons for actions contributed by the Toolbar widget, during screen rendering. By default, the toolbar is displayed, and the buttons display with text-only captions. You can change these settings in the project settings. See Toolbar (RCP-only) for more information.

The toolbar is divided into two sections. The right side of the toolbar is equivalent to the application keypad in a ZIETrans Web application and contains application keypad buttons. See Application keypad for how to configure which buttons to display. The left side displays buttons contributed by the Toolbar widget. See Toolbar (RCP-only) for more information.

Tooltip text that provides a description of the button's function is available on all application keypad buttons. You can set tooltip text on buttons you add using the Toolbar widget.

Above the application keypad buttons on the toolbar, next to the Minimize and Maximize icons is a Menu icon. Clicking this icon displays a menu with the following menu items:
Toggle Keyboard Support
This allows the user to enable and disable keyboard support.
Connection Details
Displays the details of the host connection for this application.
Displays the properties for this application.