Editing transformations for Web projects
You can see the transformations you have created by expanding the Web Content/Transformations folder in the ZIETrans Projects view. To edit a transformation using the Rich Page Editor that is built into Eclipse, double-click on the name of the transformation. To see other available editors, right-click on the name of the transformation and select Open With. See Eclipse documentation for the Rich Page Editor by selecting Help > Help Contents from the menu bar and then search on Rich Page Editor.
- Transformations must be UTF-8 encoded.
In order to preview the copied transformation, you must copy the associated screen capture file by selecting it in the Screen Captures folder. Once you have copied the screen capture file, go back and select the copied transformation from the Transformations folder and open the transformation. Go to the Design tab and right-click anywhere in the window. Select ZIETrans Tools > Edit Host Component. Once the wizard comes up, select the screen from the drop-down menu and click Finish.
When editing a transformation, you can change the properties of ZIETrans components, or other controls (such as buttons, images, and links), by using the Properties view. The Properties view is located at the bottom area of the transformation editor. You can also access the Properties view by selecting Window > Show View > Properties from the ZIETrans menu.
The following sections describe each tab of the Rich Page Editor.