Palette view

The ZIETrans drawer in the Palette view contains the following items that can be used to add composites for host components and other widgets to a ZIETrans SWT transformation. For information about each of the referenced wizards see Transformation wizards.
Use this item to launch the Insert Host Component wizard to insert rendering for a specific component.
Default Rendering
Use this item to launch the Insert Default Rendering wizard to insert a default rendering composite.
Macro Key
Use this item to launch the Insert Macro Key wizard to insert a button or link that will run a macro when clicked.
Global Variable
Use this item to launch the Insert Global Variable wizard to display or prompt for the value of a global variable.
Host Key
Use this item to launch the Insert Host Key wizard to insert a button or link that will send a host key when clicked.
Application Key
Use this item to launch the Insert Application Key wizard to insert a button or link for an application key function.