Playback Settings section

In this section you can modify playback settings and click a button that will playback the trace on the host terminal. The following playback settings can be modified:
TCP/IP Port Range
During trace playback, ZIETrans host simulation function listens on a range of ports to simulate host communication with the host terminal or your ZIETrans application. Multiple ports are used to allow trace playback on multiple sessions concurrently. Default values are prefilled using the ZIETrans host simulation preferences settings. See Using ZIETrans preferences for more information.
Time Delay Settings
Use these values, Delay, Minimum (ms), and Maximum (ms) to set the time delay (in milliseconds) for host simulation to wait during playback before responding to requests from the host terminal or your ZIETrans application. Default values are prefilled using the ZIETrans host simulation preferences settings and can be modified here. See Using ZIETrans preferences for more information.
Playback on Host Terminal button
Click this button to open a host terminal window and playback the host simulation trace file.