Screen-settling overview

Host applications can send outbound data in any number of transmissions, the number of which is not provided to the client. This situation is handled easily when using a terminal or heavy client terminal emulator, as communications remain always active and results in the client's view being updated whenever necessary. However, when using ZIETrans to transform screen-based host applications into a HTML-based format, the client is only connected to the host (indirectly, through the ZIETrans runtime on the application server) for the duration of each browser update requested by the client. Therefore, ZIETrans must analyze the outbound data received during this browser update cycle, and decide when to send the current host screen to the screen recognition engine for transformation or other event processing. This process of analyzing the outbound data and deciding when to use the current host screen is called screen-settling.

The ZIETrans runtime performs screen-settling:
  • Only when transforming screens (that is, not while running a macro or Integration Object, which contain their own requirements for the next screens to check for)
  • When it is determined that a host interaction, such as an AID key like [Enter], has taken place and outbound data is expected.

After screen-settling, ZIETrans examines the host screen (presentation space) and compares it to the set of enabled screen customizations (screen recognition) for further processing. It is important that this settled screen is the intended one.