
Accessibility features help a user who has a physical disability, such as restricted mobility, limited vision, or other special needs, to use software products successfully. As a set of plug-ins of Eclipse, ZIETrans takes advantage of the accessibility capabilities provided by Eclipse. These are the major accessibility capabilities in Eclipse:
  • Eclipse uses Microsoft Active Accessibility (MSAA) APIs to render user interface elements accessible to assistive technology.
  • You can operate all features using the keyboard instead of the mouse.
    Note: On some systems you may not see the underline indicators for all of the accelerator keys on the subfile component settings page. This is the page accessed from Project Settings > Rendering > Components > Subfile > Settings. If this is the case on your system, to see all of the underline indicators use the Alt+s keys to access the page instead of clicking the Settings button.
  • You can use screen-reader software such as Freedom Scientific's Job Access With Speech (JAWS) and a digital speech synthesizer to recognize what is displayed on the screen audibly.
  • You can magnify what is displayed on your screen in the graphical views.
  • Any colors or fonts defined by Eclipse can be set using the Window > Preferences > General > Appearance > Colors and Fonts dialog.