Macro menu

The following actions are enabled on the macro's pop-up menu (right-click on the white macro canvas):
Saves the macro to a file, disabling the Undo and Redo actions.
Copy As image
Copies the entire image of the macro to the system clipboard. This is useful for pasting the image of the macro into an email, or design document.
Only enabled after a screen copy or cut.
Reset Layout
Resets the macro screens by attempting to minimize the number of crossed next screen connection lines. Entry screens are positioned at the top. Exit screens are positioned at the bottom. By default, the layout is reset when a screen is added using the integrated terminal. The layout of a macro created in a previous version of HCL ZIETrans is automatically set (using this same algorithm) when the macro is opened the first time in the VME.
Allows editing macro-level settings.