ZIETrans style sheets

The following style sheets are shipped with ZIETrans and are included in each new project you create.
Table 1. ZIETrans style sheets
Name Description
blacktheme Black background; foreground color matches host screen color
calendar Calendar popup styles
commontheme Defines elements common to all the style sheets. It is imported by the main style sheet (blacktheme, graytheme, monochrometheme, tantheme, whitetheme)
finance Style sheet for the Finance.jsp template
graytheme Gray background; foreground colors are different shades of gray
industry Style sheet for the Industry.jsp template
inlineCalendar Style sheet for the inlineCalendar option of the Calendar widget
largeFont Font size of all generated output relative to your browser setting and class function
medical Style sheet for the Medical.jsp template
monochrometheme White background; foreground colors are different shades of gray, links are blue
nonFixedFont White background; font size varies
normalFont Font size of all generated output relative to your browser setting and class function
PrintJobWindow Print job window styles
research Style sheet for the Research.jsp template
reverseVideoBlack Reverses the foreground and background colors of the blacktheme style sheet
reverseVideoGray Reverses the foreground and background colors of the graytheme style sheet
reverseVideoMono Reverses the foreground and background colors of the monochrometheme style sheet
reverseVideoTan Reverses the foreground and background colors of the tantheme style sheet
reverseVideoWhite Reverses the foreground and background colors of the whitetheme style sheet
scaleableFont Font size of all generated output scaled according to the browser
smallFont Font size of all generated output relative to your browser setting and class function
tantheme Tan background; foreground colors are different shades of gray and blue
transport Style sheet for the Transport.jsp template
whitetheme White background; foreground color matches host screen color
xlargeFont Font size of all generated output relative to your browser setting and class function
xsmallFont Font size of all generated output relative to your browser setting and class function